She dipped her head.“I’ll try.No promises.”
“At least call or text first before you stop in.”I gave her a small smile to let her know she was still welcome.
She chuckled.“I can do that.”An easy silence fell between us until she said, “You’ve been spending a lot of time with Liam?”She didn’t fool me with her innocent tone.
This was it.We were having an open conversation, our first ever.I could tell her.How would she react?Would she tell Bruce?Would it be too much too soon?
“When he’s in town, I hang out with him and the kids sometimes.”
Her eyes narrowed slightly, and she uttered a noncommittal, “Mm.”
I swallowed hard and ignored the slight sting of betrayal.I wasn’t ashamed of Liam.We were having such a nice night; I didn’t want it ruined by unnecessary conflict.
I was protective of him, and I was protective of us.It might be a little selfish, but I hated the thought that people could intrude on our peace.I loved this place.I loved the kids.And I loved Liam.
I fiddled with the string in my shorts.I’d loved Liam before Derek died.As a friend.
That was no longer the case.I could finally admit it.Now I had to sit with it and think about how it made me feel.
I loved another man.So damn much.Panic like I’d experienced my first time with Liam roared back.My throat burned.The familiar pangs at the backs of my eyes spurred me out of my chair.“I need to run to the bathroom.”
I charged into the house and went straight to the bathroom.I peered at myself in the mirror.My face glowed from the sun, my skin no longer pasty and drawn.My cheeks had filled out, thanks to eating real meals.And the dead-behind-the-eyes look was gone.
I thought I would love one man in my life.Not only did I love Liam, I was crazy about him.I couldn’t wait for him to walk through the door.I wanted nothing more than to wake up with him in the morning.And when he touched me, I wanted to drown myself in the way he made me feel.
The final walls had crumbled.Overwhelming emotion poured through.
What would Sexy, Young, and Widowed say?
They’d tell me it was normal.All my feelings were normal.Falling in love again was normal.Dreaming about my husband being alive while planning for a future where I married another man and had the family I never got with Derek was normal too.
Too much too soon.My brain was moving faster than reality.
I drew in a steady breath.This was normal.I didn’t know how he felt.I had to process my emotions first.
I heard movement inside the house.Had Mom come looking for me?I’d practically sprinted away after she’d asked about Liam.I might’ve upended my world, but I didn’t need to overturn the night for everyone else.
I hadn’t cried, so I washed my hands like I’d used the bathroom and breezed out.Right into that broad chest I had planned to lick tonight.
Liam backed me into the bathroom.The light was still off, and we left the door open.
“I saw you talking to your mom and then you left,” he murmured against my ear like he couldn’t resist touching me one moment longer.His hands were around my waist, desperate to touch me in a more-than-friendly way like I had been today.
I melted into him, soaking up his strength and heat even though he was the cause of my emotional tornado.I needed to hold him now more than ever, and I needed to be held.
“Everything all right?”
I was a mess, but I also had a deep sense that everything was all right.“Yes.I had a good talk with Mom.Hopefully no more speed-of-light trips from Fargo thinking the worst has happened to me.”
He nibbled at my ear, and his warm lips brushed down my neck.“Good.I knew fireworks and grilling would bring her around.”
“I almost told her.About us.”
He paused with his lips against my skin.“Why didn’t you?”
“It seemed like I was already pushing it.”He didn’t nod, didn’t continue kissing me, but he also didn’t pull away.Was he disappointed?Was he impatient?“Is that all right?”
“I’m ready when you’re ready.”He pressed a soft kiss against my skin, then another.My eyes drifted closed.