A spear of fear shot down my spine.I’d have to do that soon.I couldn’t risk Bruce walking in on what I’d been doing on my kitchen floor this afternoon.

Cameron’s shrewd, glittering gaze danced between Liam, me, and the store.We were in front of the large picture windows emblazoned with “Haven Furnishings.”His mouth twisted like Liam had shoved a lemon wedge between the man’s lips.“William.”

Liam’s jolt was subtle.He’d probably rather be ignored.The men hopefully didn’t notice.“Cameron,” he replied flatly.

“Is it true you’re staying in town?”


Bruce tugged his gaze off me.“You’re not letting Ginny sell the place and get the money she’s owed from it?”

“Yes, Bruce.That’s exactly what I’m doing.”Liam’s reply dripped sarcasm.“If you’d like to keep leasing the land, I’ll be in touch with a new contract that’ll address who’s responsible for the property and how it’ll affect the rent.”

Bruce sucked in a breath, and Cameron’s gaze glinted.I could practically see the plotting begin.If we stuck around, it’d be these two ganging up on Liam and using me as a tool to get to him.

I wasn’t giving them that power.I peeked at my phone.“Oh, look at the time.We need to get going.Tell Willow and Naomi I said hi.”

I edged around them.Liam gave them a nod, his eyes hooded.If he’d worn his ball cap, his expression would’ve been shadowed.Without the cap, the simmering resentment was harder to hide.And the resemblance to his father was clearer than ever.

We couldn’t just cross the street or hop in a vehicle and close the doors between us and them.The lunch crowd for the diner had extended to this block, and we hadn’t been able to park right in front of the store.Liam’s pickup was parked several spots down.We hadn’t thought twice about it.Until now.

Bruce pivoted like a sunflower following the sun as I walked around him.“Kennedy.”

“Hmm?”I kept my expression casual despite the tension vibrating among the four of us.

“You need anything, you call.”

I waved him off.“I’m doing good, but I’ll keep it in mind.”

Finally, Liam and I had created enough distance that the knot between my shoulders loosened.When I was closed in the pickup with Liam, surrounded by his soap and cedar scent, I rolled my head to stretch my neck.

Liam’s jaw was clenched, the little muscles on the side flexing.How badly had that brief interaction rattled him?I hadn’t talked to him about Mrs.Z yet; right now, that felt like dumping salt on a gaping wound.

I had my own worries.Would Cameron ignore me or encourage Bruce to be pushier?I had to be saved from Liam’s bad influence and all that.I didn’t want to do something drastic, but at the same time, I didn’t want my privacy invaded more than it had been.

What I was going to ask Liam felt more drastic than it was, but it was a small change that would make us both feel better.“It’s not hard to change locks, is it?”