They were clearly obsessed with each other. How they’d hidden their bond, or their queerness, from the mafia this long was a mystery to her. They must have been incredible actors in addition to smoking hot and—in Levin’s case—borderline assholes with confidence that edged into arrogance.

What did it say that his attitude had turned her on from the moment he strode into their midst like he didn’t give a single fuck about the collection of weapons pointed in his direction?

More fanning. Faster fanning.

It didn’t hurt that he made some mean Russian pancakes. They’d spent an hour or two together in the middle of the night, while taking a refueling break during their intel gathering. When she’d offered to heat up leftover pizza, he’d insisted on whipping up a batch ofsyrnikis, topping them with fresh fruit.

Something about the very idea of a mafia kingpin slinging batter in an apron, taking care of her when his entire existence was about to be thrust into chaos, had grabbed her attention and not let go ever since. Which was a problem considering he’d spent most of that time gushing about his boyfriend and insisting she promise to take care of the man, who probably could handle himself just fine if the glimpse she’d had from Tavish’s bodycam was any indication.

“They’re here,” Nolan called from outside the jet. He, Marcus, and Knox surrounded the approaching car to verify everything checked before allowing it too close to the plane.

Aven leaned up against the open door of her cockpit as Legend hauled a compact—though very fit—man onboard her jet, his arms bound behind his back. “I hope we’re not going to have to leave him like that for the entire flight.”

She didn’t relish the idea of his discomfort, especially not after the especially rude ending to his evening.

Tavish deferred to Aven. “You make the call. You’re the one who has to work the next twelve hours and I don’t want to do anything that’s going to make you uncomfortable or put us in a pinch.”

Aven shrugged. “Let’s talk to him first, then decide.”

“Just because you put this damn hood over my face doesn’t mean I can’t hear you.” Konstantin proved he had no shortage of sass. She agreed with Levin’s assessment from headquarters. There was something about him that reminded her of James.

From the other line of their reopened comms, their office manager giggled. “I like him already.”

Trouble was, so did Aven. And she didn’t want to let that cloud her judgement when everyone onboard relied on her, literally putting their lives in her hands on every mission.

“Take that off him.” Aven pointed at his hood. It had mostly been for show anyway, so that the guards and any security footage wouldn’t suggest he’d been sent away and instead anyone looking would assume he’d been stolen.

When Legend removed it, Konstantin shot daggers at them. She was glad they’d searched him thoroughly for weapons before bringing him onboard. “I can assure you I’m going to be a giant pain in your ass. So you might as well toss me out before you get going, wherever the fuck it is you’re headed.”

“No can do.” Tavish shook his head.

From where she’d lurked behind the agents, whether because she was nervous to interact with someone from her old life, or because she’d been laser focused on following Tavish and Legend’s order to keep her ass on the plane and out of the way, Karolena spoke up. “We promised Levin we’d take care of you.”

“Karolena!” He sat up straighter when he caught sight of the gorgeous blonde. “Holy shit. No offense, but I assumed you were dead.”

“Reasonable.” She shook her head. “But no, Levin smuggled me out. And now he’s doing the same for you.”

“I won’t leave him.” He got to his feet, but Legend put his massive hand on Konstantin’s shoulder and smushed him back down.

“You don’t have a choice. I’m sorry,” Aven told him as kindly as she could. “In fact, Nolan, get the doors.”

“No!” Konstantin struggled, but with his arms still fettered and Legend towering over him, it was pointless.

When they’d locked themselves in, Konstantin sagged.

Karolena approached him and crouched by his knee. She put her hand on his leg. “These people are part of a team called Shields. They’re sort of assassins, but they only kill bad guys.”

“I noticed.” Right. It wouldn’t be news to Konstantin, given the state of Vladimir’s skull. “How do you know we’re not next?”

“Because they’re helping me make my escape permanent. And Levin too. He’s going to bring the whole thing down, just watch.” She really seemed to believe what she was saying. “And because…”

Tavish edged closer to her and so did Legend.

“Wow. You move fast.” Konstantin was very in tune with the emotional undercurrents running between them. Though honestly it was pretty obvious now that they weren’t hiding the possessive heat they shared.

Karolena looked away and blushed.

Fuck that. Aven would have said so but she didn’t want to interrupt.