“This is because of him, not you. Never forget that. You didn’t ask for this,” Tavish reminded her.

“I finally feel like I belong somewhere. I don’t want to lose this too.” Karolena choked back tears. Legend was right, her whole soul was at stake.

Tavish tripped up a bit. “This is why you don’t get serious.”

Legend kept him from spiraling into his old pattern of thinking. “No, this is why you don’t fuck around. Because life is too short to waste on not going all in.”

For the first time, Karolena feared she might have been wrong and exposed all three of them to irreparable heartbreak.

As usual, Legend held strong. “If we don’t come home, Shields will still look out for you. No one’s kicking you out, okay? It’s fair to say we’re still dealing with our shit and will be for some time. As long as we’re prepared to work on it—and take these leaps of faith together, even when we’re terrified—I can live with that.”

“I’ll jump with you anytime.” Tavish kissed Legend and then her.

Karolena wasn’t sure it was the smartest thing she’d ever done, but it might have been the most courageous. She whispered, “I’m in.”

They held each other under the canopy of stars, breathing deep of the pine scent and listening to the hooting of owls in the distance as they spent what could be their final hours together in each other’s arms. For the moment, in harmony.


Tavish slumped in one of the oversized leather captain’s chairs of the Shields’ private jet, still fuming as Aven launched them into the air. He’d never been furious during a briefing before.

“Shake it off.” Legend leaned in. “Every detail is important. We can’t miss a single one just because we’re pissed.”

“I’m aware.” Tavish glared at Levin, who occupied the seat across from him in the cluster of four that faced each other, next to Karolena.

Karolena. With them, on the jet, headed back to Russia.

“Sestra’snot going to be in any danger at all.” Levin repeated himself for the millionth time. “I wouldn’t agree to that any more than you would.”

“Clearly, that’s not true.” Tavish wished they’d shot the bastard on sight. “Private airfield or not, she’d be better protected at Shields.”

“It’s okay, guys.” Karolena leaned forward to rub Tavish’s knee. “Levin had a point. Konstantin will have no reason to trust the Shields without someone he knows to explain what’s going on. Levin’s not going to have time to tell him everything, and each minute longer you stay there, the more likely it is for you to get caught. Konstantin will either be a burden, trying to fight you off, or need to be restrained until you could get him all the way to headquarters. That’s cruel.”

“Plus, he’s a resourceful fucker.” Levin flashed an indulgent and proud smile. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he got loose and took a few of you out before trying to land this thing himself. Probably not wise on a jet over open ocean.”

“I swear, my ass will be planted right here in this seat. I will not budge to so much as peek out the door to see if you’re on your way back yet.” Karolena had been awfully eager to return. Tavish repeated over and over that it was because she was worried for him and Legend, not because she and Levin were planning some coup.

Twelve hours of flight time was going to vanish fast between rehearsing their plan, devising fallback strategies, and undertaking and analysis of potential pitfalls. Tavish drew a deep breath and peered around at the other agents on the flight. Kennedy would also be staying on the plane. Hopefully, they wouldn’t need her medic services. Nolan, Marcus, and Knox would guard it, ensuring their safe passage out of hostile territory and the safety of Aven, Kennedy, and Karolena.

“It better be,” Tavish grumbled.

Legend kicked his boot. Tavish shut up before he said something he’d regret.

Karolena peered out of the corner of her eye toward Levin, then said, “I’m glad Aven will keep me company while we’re waiting for you to do your spy thing.”

“You’ve become friends, yes?” Levin asked with just a hint of something Tavish couldn’t quite place.

“She’s great.” Karolena nodded. “And I don’t think she likes being alone any more than I do.”

“Hmm.” Levin stared at the cockpit. With the door open, he’d have a perfect view of Aven manning the controls. The ten thousand buttons up there gave Tavish a headache, but she seemed to work them like a conductor directing an orchestra. It was pretty fascinating to watch.

“I noticed she brought yousyrnikisfor breakfast. Dumb luck she knew your favorite?” Karolena was not as subtle as she thought. Then again, neither were Russian pancakes with his preferred blueberry topping.

“No. She and I spent some time talking last night after she assured me you were well and accepting of the apology from these two dumbasses.” Levin smirked at Legend and Tavish, which did nothing to reduce Tavish’s blood pressure. “I cooked for us. There were leftovers. She was being kind. That’s all.”

Legend cleared his throat. “Good. Because I’m pretty sure you told us we were hauling some dude out of here because he’s your boyfriend.”

“You have a boyfriend, don’t you?” Levin looked between Tavish and Legend. “Plus a girlfriend, at least unless you do something to screw that up again.”