Funny, she hadn’t even thought of it. “It’s not making me anxious, but I do want to see you. And touch you, once Tavish is done having his way with you.”

Legend bent to untie his dress shoes, then started to strip even as Tavish slipped her dress down to her ankles and helped her step out of it. She stood there for a moment in only her heels, very aware of his stare on every bare inch of her body.

“That image will be burned in my memory forever.” He dragged his fingers down her spine, then lower until he crouched to slip her shoes from her feet. Tavish scooped her up and carried her to the bed, laying her on the pile of cushions at the top.

He snagged the toy from the box and handed it to her. “Feel free to play with this while you watch.”

“How?” Her cheeks flushed as she admitted how little she knew about things they were experts in.

Tavish took the hollow oval on the front of it and placed it over her clit before pressing the button on the handle. When it came to life with a quiet hum, it felt like he was sucking on her. “Oh.”

He chuckled and Legend groaned. “Yeah. I prefer to do it myself, but sometimes it’s convenient to have some help while I’m otherwise occupied.”

Karolena didn’t waste any time. She tested out various angles and speeds while Legend finished removing his tux and started in on Tavish’s kilt, helping him unpin his tartan and slip out of the handsome jacket hugging his fit torso.

And when Legend bent to remove Tavish’s hose and shoes, carefully setting his knife aside, Tavish made quick work of the buckles holding the bottom half of his outfit in place. That left Legend’s face at cock level.

Tavish didn’t demand Legend suck him. But Legend did it anyway.

He tipped Tavish’s cock toward his mouth and took it between his lips, sliding down to the base with a single greedy gulp that had Tavish cursing. He let Legend have his way for a few minutes, standing feet spread, hand fisted in Legend’s hair as he let his partner do his best.

When Karolena turned the speed of the vibrator up a notch, he smiled at her and tapped Legend’s shoulder, pointing to the space at her feet. He put a hand below Legend’s arm and helped him rise though he didn’t need assistance.

The men kissed, their mouths a bit harsh where they clashed and parried with each other.

And when they tumbled to the bed together, Karolena bounced.

They were even more beautiful when they were like this, raw and open with each other.

After taking his fill of Legend’s lips, Tavish spun around. He rolled Legend to his back and straddled his head, facing the other man’s feet, so that he could feed Legend his cock once again. Only this time, he didn’t stop there. He tipped forward so that he could return the favor.

At first he curled his hand around Legend’s shaft, pumping until a shimmery bead of fluid appeared at the tip. He didn’t waste it. Tavish dipped his head and lapped it from the fat head of Legend’s cock before swallowing as much of Legend as he could. It was more than she had managed but still not nearly all of him.

Legend didn’t seem to mind. He reached up and clasped Tavish’s ass, even as Tavish moved over Legend with the grace of a powerful animal. His muscles flexed and rippled in the lights that danced around them.

Karolena felt herself tightening and wished one—or both—of them was buried inside her while the toy worked its magic. She must have made a noise because both men peered at her as best they could from their stations.

Their eyes on her while their mouths were on each other’s cocks, plus the rhythmic suction of the vibrator set her off. She came as she threw her head back, the stars twinkling above her matching the pleasure that sparkled throughout her entire body.

Tavish pulled away from Legend, leaving all three of them panting. Legend wiped his mouth, then said, “I need a minute. That was…”

“Sexy as hell.” Tavish ringed the base of his slick shaft as if to keep himself from erupting. “You’re incredible, Karolena.”

“Me?” She tried not to be too embarrassed. “I didn’t even do anything.”

“I’ll never get tired of watching you come.” He leaned over to kiss her, fierce and possessive, like he had been with Legend. That meant something to her. To them, she wasn’t broken or icy or lacking in any way.

Karolena returned his kiss but pulled away when she thought he might forget their purpose. She whispered, “Fuck our man, Tavish. He needs you.”

“He needsus,” Tavish corrected.

“I need somebody.” Legend stroked his own cock. “Don’t leave me over here by myself.”

Tavish knelt in front of Legend. He took his cock and smacked it against Legend’s a few times. Then he reached around Legend, squeezing his ass as he demanded, “Get over there and do a better job than her new friend. I’m going to open this up while you do.”

Legend practically dove for Karolena, encouraging her to spread her legs wider to accommodate his broad shoulders. He slid his hands beneath her ass and fit her to his face, wasting no time in lapping up the slickness from her recent orgasm.

Her body still hummed like a tuning fork that had been struck and left to ring out. So when he applied every skill he had to enhancing those resonances, it didn’t take long for her to reach a fevered pitch again.