“There’s always a fucking catch,” Aarav muttered between sips of his tea.

“There’s a man. His name is Konstantin. You need to take him with you. Keep him safe until I can come for him.” Steel returned to Levin’s spine and to his stare. “If even one hair on his head is harmed, we’re done. I’m out.”

“That seems fair enough.” Jordan nodded.

“Who is he?” Karolena asked, drawing a blank as she cycled through all of Vladimir’s higher-ups that she knew and came up blank.

“He’s one of the brigadiers.” By that he meant an officer in Vladimir’s army. “And he’s my boyfriend.”

“Ah, fuck.” Tavish groaned.

Karolena didn’t think it was possible to be more shocked than she’d already been that afternoon. “Really?”

“Yes. At least I’d like him to be. But things are…complicated, given the situation. Still, he’s the one responsible for making me realize how fucked up my life is. Not to mention the impact of the things I’ve done, like recruiting others into the organization. Regardless of if he wants to stay with me when he no longer has to, I’m set on getting him out. To give him back his life. I’d risk everything for that.”

Aven sighed and fanned herself faster.

Karolena’s eyes stung as she considered the man in front of her. Was he perfect? Of course not. Was he deserving of a chance to atone for his mistakes? She thought so.

“We’ll take care of your Konstantin,” James promised.

“You remind me of him a bit.” Levin turned away then until he could get himself under control. Karolena hugged him from behind as she shot a glare at Tavish and Legend, daring them to say one damn word about offering her friend comfort.

“Okay, then.” Jordan went into focus mode. “Let’s hammer out how we’re going to get this done.”

“If you don’t need me anymore, I think I’ll leave you to work out the details.” Karolena edged toward the door.

“Where are you going?” Tavish asked.

She resisted the urge to give him the finger. “Upstairs, to do my job. I’m sure there’s something that needs to be cleaned since that’s all it seems I’m good for around here.”

“Oh fuck, now I know she’s really mad.” Aven frowned.

“Karolena…” When Tavish rose, Legend grabbed hold of his kilt and yanked him back down.

“Not now.” Legend shook his head. “She asked for space. Give it to her. Respect her boundaries. It’s the least we can do.”

“Go ahead.” Jordan smiled ruefully at her. “I’m so sorry about your mother. And for having to be strict under these circumstances. I hope you’ll give us another chance to show you that you’re important to us, and not only because of this stuff.”

“All I can promise is that I’m going to take some time to reflect. And scrub the hell out of something. And rack up your bill with that therapist.”

“You do that.” Jordan tapped his pen on the table.

Levin beamed, as if he liked the woman she’d turned into in such a short time. Who would she be in another week, or even a year?

What did she want for herself? Did it include a relationship with a man—or two—who might never truly be sure of her?

That’s what she intended to figure out.


Legend watched Karolena’s retreating form until she turned the corner toward the bank of elevators. It took every speck of self-control he had not to dash after her and beg her not to dump his ass. Or his boyfriend’s.

He snarled at Tavish. “You idiot!”

“Not now.” Jordan’s mouth was a slash across his handsome face. “Remember what happened last time two of you started fighting over a woman when we should have been focused?”

“I do.” Ruby glared at Ace and Liam. “We’re not doing that again.”