“Didn’t realize you were into that.” He grinned up at her, his stiff cock buried inside her proof that he didn’t mind in the least.
“Me either.” She shrugged then rocked, her body refusing to settle now that she’d riled it beyond the point of no return. Kennedy rose and fell over him, grinding on him so that her clit rubbed against the flat pad of muscle above his cock.
It only took three strokes before her entire body exploded around him. Whether from the taboo nature of fucking him while her teammates observed them, the lifelong fantasy of having him to herself come true, or the fact that she’d never gotten to experience this carnal pleasure with anyone before, it all came to a head in one sonic boom of rapture.
“Yes. Hell yes. Come on me, Kennedy. You’re so fucking tight milking my cock like that. Now untie me so I can fuck you right,” Knox growled.
“You have him bound?” James asked then.
“Yes,” Kennedy panted, but not to Knox. She was talking to James. Which became apparent when she gave them more explicit directions. “We’re good. Come and get him.”
“Wow. Seriously?” Knox blinked a few times then yanked at his bonds, still unable to break free. “I didn’t think you had it in you to go through with it. My bad for underestimating you.”
Kennedy didn’t bother to respond when they both apparently knew she’d betrayed him and everything was happening so fast. Her body still rang with the reverberations of her climax and they only had seconds before the Shields swarmed the room.
She pressed her hand to the side of her head, hoping to mute her comms or muffle them at least. “You didn’t come with me?”
“Was going to make sure you had more than one lousy orgasm first. Give me some fucking credit.” Knox grimaced, his erection twitching within her, setting off aftershocks. He smiled sadly up at her, breaking her heart all over again. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, but you didn’t have to do this, you know. Not that I’m complaining, use me all you like, but I would have done whatever you asked if you’d been straight with me.”
“How did you know?” Kennedy felt her cheeks burn and her pleasure turned to shame. Her languid muscles stiffened, making it uncomfortable to hold his still-stiff cock inside her. She shifted and he slipped from within her, leaving her cold as his thick erection landed on his abdomen with a wet thud. “And why’d you let me tie you up? Why’d you—”
“Kennedy, you’re breaking up.” Jordan cut in. “Is he secure? Can we come in?”
She dropped her hand so the Shields could hear again as her body began to go numb.
“Don’t you think I’ve heard the rumors of who you work for, Goody Two Shoes?” Knox raised a brow. “Maybe I just wanted to fuck you.”
She might have slapped him if she hadn’t tried to manipulate him or if he hadn’t continued.
“Or maybe I want to cooperate. I admit I didn’t believe the rumors about you at first, but there was no way you showing up tonight was a coincidence. You’re not the same girl I knew once, now are you? You’re harder. Smarter. As sharp as one of your scalpels. But still sweet somewhere deep inside. It was worth it to find out for sure. You didn’t have to tie me up. I wouldn’t have run from you”
Knox licked his lips, which still glistened with her arousal.
“Shit! What are we waiting for? He knows. Go, go, go!” Marcus shouted as Kennedy heard a rustle from outside followed by the thud of boots on the rickety wooden steps of the cabin.
“You did last time. Fool me once, asshole.” She wanted to smack Knox upside his smarmy face, but she refused to cross that line. She hated the things he did to her. How he warped her values and weakened the qualities she respected in herself.
Just like he always had.
What bullshit. She’d barely finished fucking him, had gotten off without even returning the favor, and here she was acting like she was better than him, if only in her own mind.
Rage filled Kennedy, both at herself and at Knox. Together, they were toxic. Now and in the past too. Nothing had changed at all.
Kennedy whimpered and crawled off him backward, grabbing a sheet and wrapping it around her as Sola and Marcus burst into the cabin. Through the open door and windows she could see Nolan, Ransom, Levi, Liam, and Ace blocking every exit.
“At least I finally got a taste of that sweet pussy. Worth it.” Knox made a show of licking his glistening and swollen lips, humiliating her in front of her team and making her fists clench in the sheet.
Marcus apparently didn’t have the same standards she did, or the same self-restraint. Though his self-control had a legendary reputation, apparently even he had his limits. He strode to the bed and decked Knox, knocking him out cold.
“Damn it, Marcus,” Sola snarled as she rushed to Kennedy and wrapped her in a hug before fixing her shirt and skirt to protect what non-existent modesty Kennedy had left.
“He deserved it.” In fact, Marcus looked like he might not stop at a single punch.
“Of course he did. I wanted to be the one to do it,” Sola huffed as James mutteredAmenacross the comms.
“Is everything secure?” Jordan asked.
“Yeah, boss,” Nolan affirmed from his place just outside the door. “We’re going to collect our equipment then bring this douche back to the office with us so you can have a chat with him yourself.”
The office. The one attached to Kennedy’s apartment.
Fuck her life. Because the man she had once loved and now had come around while the guy he’d ruined her for listened and watched was about to be their damn neighbor.