“Not with the Vipers hunting you.” Kennedy shook her head.

Marcus had her back, as usual. “If you bail, I’ll get fired. You don’t want to cost me my career, do you?”

Knox groaned. “Okay, fine. You know what I mean, though.”

Kennedy was frozen between them, poised at a juncture in her life she didn’t think she’d ever arrive at again. What if she made the wrong decision? She looked at Knox, swearing she could see his mislaid soul searching for even the slightest bit of acceptance, then Marcus, who had always been steady and dependable. Everything she’d needed to feel safe and secure. If she could give a little of that back to him, shouldn’t she? Simply because he didn’t need her like Knox did, didn’t mean he didn’t deserve to have what he wanted.

Kennedy leaned in and kissed Knox, figuring it was her way of saying goodbye. One more taste, one bittersweet glide of her lips over his to allow them to part, maybe as friends this time. That’s not how it turned out, though. Because the instant they connected, sparks flew. They stared into each other’s eyes as they shared the agony they’d both endured and gave it an outlet. They turned their pain into something beautiful, something Marcus didn’t seem to mind watching. He stared at them, shifting in his seat to rearrange his stiffening cock.

And when Knox noticed her diverted attention, he broke their kiss with a sad smile. “I don’t blame you in the least, Kennedy. Go ahead. He deserves you.”

Marcus seemed shocked when she rose. He mimicked her and so did Knox. The three of them stood there, awfully close, as she left Knox’s arms and went into Marcus’s. She sighed as she raised onto her tiptoes to kiss him, feeling like she was coming home. And if she hoped it made Knox even a sliver as green-eyed as she’d been to hear of his lover and his stolen kiss with Marcus, well…she’d never said she was perfect.

As Marcus looped his arms around her and pressed his tongue into her mouth, swiping along her own and making her hungrier than ever for his touch, she understood clearly why so many of her friends like James, Jordan, and Nolan enjoyed sharing their partners and being shared by them in return.

If she’d been attracted to Marcus and Knox individually, the power of their desire was amplified by the presence of each other. Instead of twice as arousing, together they seemed ten times so. Maybe that was because they were making her feel so damn good about herself. Powerful enough to take care of them both if only she could let go of her fears and her hangups and take what they were so generously offering.

Marcus removed one hand from her lower back and used it to snag Knox. He dragged the other man closer yet, then allowed his lips to slip away from hers long enough to show her exactly what she’d missed earlier. Watching the guys make out from a centimeter away didn’t repulse her. Instead it turned her on. That must have accounted for her boldness. She joined them, pressing her mouth to the corners of theirs until they groaned and made room for her in what became a three-way kiss.

It was only when it was replenish her oxygen supply or pass out that Kennedy reluctantly broke their exchange. She gulped in air as she studied their flushed faces and the equally erratic pulses pounding in their carotid arteries. Could it be that whatever they were about to do meant as much to them as it did to her?

Knox laughed ruefully. “You know, Riggs used to get annoyed with me for telling the same old stories about you all the time. But really, I think it irritated him most that I couldn’t move on. It means something to me that you never got over me, because I sure as hell never stopped loving you.”

“Yeah, well, I’m pretty sure you never forget the guy who took your virginity.” Kennedy snorted. “So you’re good for life.”

“Look, I was messed up back then, especially when shit started to unravel. We fooled around plenty, making out and me sneaking some handfuls of your boobs. But I’m sure I would remember if we’d actually had sex. My dick had never been inside you until yesterday.”

“Trust me, I’m painfully aware of the timing.” Kennedy rolled her eyes.

“Wait.” Marcus stood up straight, his lazy grace vanishing in an instant. “Are you saying you were a virgin before this mission?”

Kennedy simply shrugged.

“And you letthatbe your first time?” He slammed his eyes closed.

Knox cursed. “For fuck’s sake, I didn’t even undress you!”

“Didn’t need to, apparently.” Kennedy tried to act like it was no big deal. “You got me off faster than even my favorite vibrator. Which is pretty impressive given that I aced anatomy and I could stock an entire store with the toys I’ve taken care of myself with all this time.”

“Are you hearing this?” Knox turned to Marcus, exasperated.

“Uh huh.” The gold flecks in Marcus’s irises nearly seemed to glow as his stare intensified.

“And are you thinking we should show her something nicer than a quickie in some rundown shack?” Knox put his hand around her waist, keeping her in place as Marcus advanced, sandwiching her between them.

“Fuck yes.” Marcus leaned in and nuzzled her neck, making her shudder. “Let us treat you right, Kennedy. With both of us concentrating on you, it’ll be worth all this time you’ve waited.”

Kennedy realized this was probably going to come back to bite her later, but in that moment she felt like being selfish. Greedy. Both of the men she’d ever lusted after were within reach and willing to share this special occasion with her.

She’d waited practically forever. Faced with a double helping of temptation, there was no way she was going to deny herself this opportunity to finally experience lovemaking the way she’d held out for. Because while it might be just sex for them, Kennedy knew the men she was surrounded by were the only two who would ever hold her heart, even if she didn’t intend to admit it—not even to herself and certainly not to them.

“Okay. Yes. Let’s do it.” Kennedy flung her arms around Marcus’s neck when he scooped her into his arms and marched toward his bedroom with Knox one step behind.