“Absolutely.” Ford didn’t seem to have a shred of doubt. “You’re going to make us even richer, and help a lot of people while you’re doing it.”

Trent could only think of one reason he would say no.

“So what do you say, Holly? Will you do it? Will you accept the position as head engineer and as our wife? For real. Nothing fake about it?” Trent stared down into her eyes, which turned a bit glassy with unshed tears.

“On one condition.” Holly propped her hand on her waist, making Trent sure he’d agree to anything to have her on his team.

“Which is?”

“The first five million I make in salary and from the stock options you’re giving me as part of my sign-on package, I’m paying back into the fund you’re going to set up for kidney disease patients and research efforts.”

“I didn’t lend that money to you, I gave it to you.” He would have argued, but Lorenzo and Owen were shooting him glares that said they’d never forgive him if he fucked this up.

“Those are my terms.” Holly backed up a step. Though it was away from him, it was closer to Owen and Lorenzo. She reached out and took one of their hands in each of hers. “We do this together, on even footing, or not at all.”

“You know, she’s right.” Trent nodded.

“Um, guys. She’s always going to be right.” Kari sounded as if she was rolling her eyes. “You might as well get used to that now.”

They all laughed, but Holly the most.

“We’re going to need reps and technicians and stuff too if you guys want in on this.” Trent turned to Lorenzo and Owen. He didn’t want them to think that Holly got preferential treatment. He cared for all three of them, and if they could do this together…they might just have a shot at the life they’d all hoped for but couldn’t quite believe could be possible.

“I’m in. Besides, Lorenzo’s getting too old for stripping anyway.” Owen smirked.

“Hey!” Lorenzo swiped at him, but Owen dodged.

“See? You’re slow, old man.” Owen laughed until Lorenzo got him back.

“Let’s see who can last longer in bed, huh? Then we’ll talk about who’s the old man.”

Holly’s brows rose.

Ford cleared his throat. “It sounds like you might have some celebrating to do. So say yes, and let us get off the phone so we can start doing what we need to keep Trent’s ass out of jail, his mother annoyed, and lots of people on their way to a better life. Do we have a deal?”

Trent looked at Holly, Lorenzo, and Owen, taking his time and thinking through each of their situations before he drew a deep breath and said, “We do. And thank you.”

“No need,” Brady said as a clap came in the background. Were they high-fiving over their part of the bargain? “We’re going to be the ones thanking you before this is over. I’m sure of it.”

“We love you,” Kari called as they wrapped things up. “Call Andi and me later, Holly. Way later. Go…be together.”

It was wild to have someone understand exactly what was important in his life and to his soul. So Trent took his friends’ advice and hung up so he could show his wife and her lovers exactly how he was feeling about them in that moment.


For a minute, they stood there, staring at the phone as if trying to wrap their heads around everything that had just happened.

“I don’t have all the answers. I don’t know what the future is going to bring. But if we’re in this together, we have a better chance of making it through and getting where we want to be. I do know that.” Trent put one hand on Lorenzo’s shoulder and the other on Owen’s. The guys huddled around, with Holly at their center.

“I’m already there.” She looked up at them with a smile that wasn’t even forced. Despite the news and the drastic changes in her world, she felt rock solid when near her three incredible men.

“Well, just in case you get locked up, maybe we should fool around one more time so you have some fond memories to see you through the lonely nights,” Lorenzo teased.

“Hey, quit that.” She pinched his nipple. “Ford, Brady, and Josh aren’t going to let that happen.”

The guys definitely had a different sense of humor than she did. Instead of being horrified, Trent seemed relieved. Maybe Lorenzo’s jokes took away some of the seriousness of the situation.

Either way, Trent said, “Yeah. That’s a good idea. I don’t plan to have sex with anyone not in the room for the rest of my life. Besides, I’m not really into anal, unless I’m the one doing the fucking.”