Wobbly, Holly fixed her shorts, then sank to her knees. Lorenzo’s hands dropped to his cock, slick with their mingled pleasure and tried to tuck it into his pants, but she must have really gotten to him because suave, practiced Lorenzo couldn’t seem to manage the simple task by himself.
Holly leaned in and kissed the head of his cock, then did it for him. She sat on her haunches as she rested her head on his thigh and peered up at him, grinning.
She couldn’t wait to tell Trent and Owen that they’d fucked and made up. Maybe the other two would want to celebrate with them next. Just as soon as they caught their breath.
When Lorenzo had, he put his hands beneath her arms and lifted her to her feet.
“Did you like knowing someone could have seen us?” Holly arched a brow.
“Uh huh.”
“Maybe I’ll have Trent and Owen bring me to the club next time you’re working so you can roam free of the stage again.” She winked. “I hear I have some cash in my bank account these days. I can afford a big tip if you give me a proper lap dance in front of everyone so they can see what we already know: I do belong to you. To all three of you, and you’re mine too.”
He groaned.
Somehow the thought of being that woman, the kind who could ask a man at a club for his services and enjoy them right there, anyone watching be damned… well, that sounded like the stuff of one of her wildest fantasies. They made her into the person she’d only wished she could someday become before she’d met them.
“Hey, love birds!” one of their security guards, Holly thought it was the guy they called Ransom, shouted at them. Both of them jumped before glancing, guilty as fuck, in that direction.
“Is that what you call them? I was thinking more along the lines of horny toads,” Sevan joked as she peeked from between her own two lovers.
“When you’re in love, you gotta do what you gotta do.” Levi shrugged. Holly should ask them how they seemed to understand her struggle so well sometime. What was their story? “But now that you’ve gotten that out of your systems, can you please get those fine asses back inside?”
Lorenzo laughed as Holly hid her face against his shoulder. He saluted their babysitters, then swung her into his arms and carried her into the house in time to see Trent and Owen turn toward them. But when she expected them to take advantage of her lingering arousal and the state Lorenzo had put her in, instead she realized they’d been a different sort of fired up.
They were angry, and had been arguing.
Because of her?
Oh shit.
Holly twisted until Lorenzo set her down so she could try to make things right between them all.Please, let this work.It would be just her luck to find the three loves of her life, just in time for them to break apart.
Trent couldn’t remember the last time he’d argued with Owen. They never really fought unless it was about dumb shit like what movie to watch or where to order dinner from, and never with any real heat. But the moment he’d hung up the phone with the executive liaison at the bank, Owen had lit into him.
“I can’t believe you did that!” Owen roared.
“Why does it matter? You were my friend before I had that money. Aren’t you going to be now that I’m broke again?” Trent tried not to let his disappointment show, but his whole life he’d had to wonder if people liked him for him or for what he could do for them. He’d thought things were different with his friends, but that didn’t mean they would be okay with sacrificing like he had.
“I should fucking punch you for saying stupid shit like that.” Owen’s hands fisted at his side. “First, you deserved that money. It was rightfully yours. You love Holly. Your marriage isn’t fake. And you met all the terms of the trust. But mostly, it makes you look guilty as hell!”
Oh. Well, he hadn’t thought of that.
Trent’s ire flared, his face burning, as the back door opened and Lorenzo carried Holly into their home. From the residual wobbliness of her legs when he set her down, their entwined fingers, and their flushed faces—not to mention the eyeful he’d gotten when he glanced out the window while on the phone—it was clear they at least had made up.
Good, because he was going to need their cool heads and interpersonal skills to smooth over the bumps he’d made with Owen.
Holly stopped short when she picked up on the tension in the room, but Lorenzo was still blinking as his eyes adjusted to the interior after the blazing sun and Holly’s brightness outside.
“Okay, now that that’s settled. What are we going to do about your mom? You can’t just let her have her way after she played so dirty with Holly. There’s no way in hell we’re letting her win.” Lorenzo clutched Holly to his side as they neared. Trent didn’t blame the guy. And seeing the way both of his best friends had bonded with her in his absence made him sure he had done the right thing for them all, even if they didn’t agree right at first.
“Too late. I gave the money back.”
“You did what?” Lorenzo gaped.
“Gave. It. Back.” Trent grimaced. “It was nothing but trouble. I knew I never should have taken it in the first place. And now it’s gone. My mother can keep her damn empire. That’s all she has left.”