His eyes flew open as he stared at her. “Hell no. I would love to see you do it.”

“So what’s the difference?” She reached down to stroke his cock, bringing it back to peak steeliness, refusing to let his inhibitions drown out his pleasure.

“You don’t fuck people while your same-sex friends are in the room.” He looked like he would have flailed his arms if they hadn’t been secured to the bed. His head came up and his neck strained. “I don’t want them to get the wrong idea. I’m not gay. I don’t want them to screw me or anything like that.”

“You know it’s fine if you do. If you’re gay or bi or whatever. And it’s also fine to be a straight guy who’s into ass play. None of those scenarios change how I feel about you or this.” She pet his chest, trying to calm him.

“I mean, yeah. It would be cool if I was, but I’m not. I just…get off on this, okay?” he asked again, though she wasn’t sure who he was questioning—her, or himself.

“Very. That’s sexy, Owen.” Holly picked up the toy again and examined it. “So let me do something about it?”

She leaned in and kissed him, showing him exactly how much the idea turned her on too. Slightly because it was new and taboo, but mostly because it gave her another key to unlock his ecstasy. Okay, no. The biggest factor was that it meant he really did trust her fully. There’s no way he’d have gone there with her if he didn’t.

“If you’re sure it’s not going to change how you or the guys think of me, then yeah, go ahead.” He groaned, another drop of precome rolling down the head of his cock.

“Hey.” She took his face in her hands and stared straight into his eyes. “No matter what we do here today, I won’t rat you out. You know that, right? I don’t think you have a single thing to worry about if you choose to share this kink with Lorenzo and Trent, but it’s your business to tell them or not. When we’re together with them, I won’t do this, or even hint at it, unless you ask me to first. And when you’re ready, you should buy me a big fat strap-on so I can fuck you while they’re fucking me.”

“Son of bitch!” Owen’s breath was ragged now. “It feels so good. This and sharing… It would beeverything.”

“Then I think you should consider being honest.” Holly kissed him one more time before smiling down at him. “And until then…enjoy the fuck out of letting me do this to you when we’re alone. Ready?”

“Do it,” he ordered. She didn’t bother to remind him who was in charge, because they both already understood it was her. If it made him more comfortable, she let him wrap his illusion around him like a security blanket. At least for now. “But, uh, maybe not for long? I’m not going to be able to wait for you.”

“Let me worry about that.” Holly turned around, flashing her ass at him in the process.

“What are you doing?” he asked tentatively.

“I want to be able to see what I’m doing.” She glanced over her shoulder. “But I have to tell you, Owen, this makes me so fucking hot, I’m not going to last either. So I’m going to ride you while I do it. You don’t mind, do you?”

She took his cock, thicker and harder than she’d seen it before, and poised it at the entrance to her body.

“You’re going to kill me.” He growled. “You’re every dirty dream I’ve ever had come to life.” He spread his legs out wide, giving her plenty of room to work.

She bit her lip, then smiled, glad he couldn’t see her expression. It was a rush, to have someone give her this much leeway, and to know that she was about to use it to blow their mind like he had hers so many times lately.

And then she was sinking onto his cock, filling herself with him, hugging him tight within her as her pussy gloved him. When she sat on him, feeling him as deep within her as she could get, she began to rock, screwing him reverse cowboy style even as she leaned forward a bit.

Holly picked up the massager and coated it with lube before lifting his balls and rubbing it around his ass. Owen made a choking sound that had her checking on him. He thrust up into her from below, lifting her onto her knees. “Don’t stop now, Holly. Fuck me.”

Whether he meant in the ass or by riding him, it didn’t matter, because she did both.

Holly introduced the slim black toy into his body, twisting it a bit like she did with her own vibrator to ease its way into him. It was fascinating watching what it did to him, how it made his sac tighten and his cock pulse at the base. And that was even before she flicked it on.

Then his toes curled and he rattled the bed frame.

“Yes! Hell yes!” he shouted.

Owen was damn near legendary when it came to control in bed. But this new side of him had nearly reached its breaking point. And so had she.

Holly rose and fell over him, moaning when his cock stroked deep within her even as she rubbed her clit on his clean-shaven balls. She clamped around him, her wide-eyes flying to his over her shoulder so she could reassure him just how much she was basking in their connection, his surrender, and the ultimate faith he’d placed in her.

“Holly, please, don’t stop,” he begged though she knew it was for her sake and not his. “Use me to make yourself feel good. Come on me.”

“And you’ll join me when I do?” she asked, practically pleading herself.

“Couldn’t help it if I tried.”

“Don’t try.” Holly ground herself on him, burying him as deep as he could go in her heat and wetness. “There’s no need for one of us to be first. We’re in this together. Today and every day from now on.”