He licked his lips. Shockingly, he didn’t move. Not to evade her touch, and definitely not to assert his innate dominance. He allowed her free rein over his body, and a more vulnerable part of him she was sure he didn’t often expose.

As she returned to the bed, she held the other tie above him. The material caressed his chest for her. His nipples were hard and he arched off the bed, the tendons in his neck standing out in stark relief. Owen flung his hands out, smacking the mattress on either side him. His fingers splayed as if he was clinging to the sheets with everything he had in order to grant her wishes.

“Here, let me help you with that.” Holly climbed onto the bed and resumed her position, leaning forward to place light kisses on his parted lips. His cock was a thick ridge between her legs.

She couldn’t stop herself from sliding back and forth over him, rubbing her mound along his cock, though he certainly didn’t seem to mind. This might just work after all.

Holly smiled down at him. “Thank you.”

“I haven’t done anything.” He practically pouted.

“That’s exactly what I’m talking about.” She kissed the tip of his nose. “I know it’s not easy for you to surrender. And I think if we go too much further, you’re going to crack. You’re not going to be able to help yourself, and will start taking the lead when we both know switching things up could be mind-blowing. So why don’t you let me help you? Help us?”

His brows climbed his forehead. “I thought those were formeto use onyou.”

She laughed. “Poor Owen. Not this time.”

He levered to his elbows but didn’t rise any farther. “You’re serious? You want to tie me up?”

“I want to teach you to take.” She kneaded his chest through his T-shirt until he relaxed again, lowering himself back to the bed. “You don’t think I’ve seen how you hold back in our sessions? How you wait until everyone else is satisfied before you allow yourself to fall?”

“If you think you’re going to get me off before I’ve done the same for you… No. That’s not going to happen.” He grimaced. “That’s a hard limit for me. If you don’t enjoy this too, then there’s no point.”

And right then she understood. That’s how he demonstrated his affection. Maybe even his love. By being generous with his attention and by satisfying his partners, putting their needs above his own, like no one had ever done for him. Until now.

“You can hold out if you really want to.” Holly shrugged. “But either way, I’m going to take care of you. I promise you doing it will bring me lots of pleasure.”

He blinked up at her as if hearing what she was saying for the first time.

“Really?” He tipped his head.

“Yeah.” Holly smiled softly. “So you’re going to be good and let me have my way with you, right?”

“Uh, I guess.” He grinned. “I’ll try my best.”

“Do you want a safe word?” Holly asked, entirely serious.

Owen laughed. “Nah. Do anything you like, I can take it.”

“Okay, but if you change your mind or this gets too scary, just say so. I’ll stop if you want me to.” She caressed his cheek. “This is about you, not me.”

“I think it’s about us both.” His insight sent shivers down her spine. Because he was right. If this was going to work, they each needed to grow and learn to open up.

Holly nodded, then pointed toward the head of the bed. “Get up there, take your shirt off, and grab the bars on the headboard.”

When he did, it took every bit of her acting skills to pretend like his bare torso didn’t make her want to skip straight to their very happy ending. So she concentrated extra hard on her mission.

His bed wasn’t anything fancy, a few steel rails that connected unadorned square posts on either side. Basic, black, and utilitarian—it would work just fine. Holly looped the first tie around the painted metal before making a few circuits around Owen’s wrist to ensure it was padded.

Once she was satisfied that the edges wouldn’t dig into his skin, not even a little, she tied the ends, securing him to the bed. She tugged a bit, hard enough to reassure herself he wasn’t going to break free. Not even if she drove him wild, as she hoped to soon.

For the briefest of instants, she recalled what it had been like to be the one in restraints, though at the mercy of people who planned to use her as a weapon instead of delighting her.

“You okay?” Owen asked when she should have been posing that question to him.

It took her a try or two to clear her voice before responding. “Yeah. Just remembered when I was stuck in that trunk…”

Owen used his free arm to wrap around her back and hug her tight. She rested against him for a bit, counting his deep breaths, until the cloud of unease passed. “You’re in charge now, Holly. Only you get to say what happens next.”