“So he’s not off licking his wounds because he thinks he got you in trouble or some dumb male crap like that?” Mom was going to be back to her old self in no time at all.
Holly snorted. “Nah, we’re past that stage. That was yesterday’s drama.”
Owen and Lorenzo chuckled in the background, making her grin even as her cheeks heated.
“Good.” Her mother huffed. “He’s too good for you to let him screw it up.”
“You think so?” Holly glanced down at her mom’s hand and the tubes pumping medicine into her bruised skin. They were each damaged in some way. Could it be possible that she and Trent could heal each other? Or for that matter, that she could do the same for Owen and Lorenzo?
Her mother had no idea how tricky and delicate things were at the moment.
“I told you to chase him down after dinner the other night, didn’t I?”
“Yeah. That feels like three years ago.” Holly suddenly felt drained. Owen slid the chair from the window near to her and she sank onto it with a small smile over her shoulder at him.
“An awful lot has happened since then.” Mom beamed up at Owen and Lorenzo before reaching out to lift Holly’s chin. “Daughter, I know you better than anyone. Or at least I used to…”
She cleared her throat. Lorenzo poured some water from the bedside table into a paper cup and passed it over. Holly helped her mom guide it to her lips to drink.
When she’d finished, she said, “Things are changing for us both. For the better. I’m not saying I’m an expert on stuff like this, but I want you to know that I love you unconditionally, no matter where we go from here or who ends up walking by your side. Whether that’s Trent, or someone else, or more than only him… So long as you’re happy and treated right, I support you. You know that, right?”
At that, Holly turned to check out the guys’ reaction to Mom’s approval. Lorenzo had his hand on Owen’s shoulder, gripping hard. Owen was frozen, as if he might crumble if he so much as breathed.
“I do, but it’s nice to hear it anyway.” Holly felt lighter than she had in…well, years.
Lorenzo spoke up then. “No one knows what the future will bring, but I can promise you this: I respect your daughter and I plan to do my best to take care of her for as long as she’ll let me.”
“Me too,” Owen choked out.
Mom stared at them both, but Lorenzo didn’t so much as shift where he stood. Finally, she nodded slightly. “Perfect. I’m not going to be around for a while. I’m glad to know she has someone to lean on when I’m not there.”
“I thought I was coming here today to makeyoufeel better,” Holly figured her mother would always one-up her when it came to that. That’s what moms like hers did best.
She was damn lucky.
“I do feel better. Much.” Her mom sighed. “I think I might even be able to take a proper nap now, if you don’t mind.”
Holly wasn’t really ready to go, but she didn’t want to inhibit her mom’s healing any more than she already had by stressing her out the day before. “Okay. I’ll come back as soon as I’m allowed.”
“Good.” Her mom peeked at Owen from below drooping lids. “You can breathe. It’s okay.”
“Sorry. I’m not used to this.” Owen unclenched his hand, which had fisted in his jeans, finger by finger. “Talking about feelings and…having someone accept you no matter what.”
“Well, you better get used to it, son. I appreciate you looking out for my daughter, but you’re safe with her too. With us.” Holly’s mom grinned. “And you’d better prepare yourself for when I’m out of this damn bed. Because I’m a hugger, too.”
He blinked, looking so startled that Lorenzo and Holly couldn’t swallow their laughter. She imagined her mom cossetting Owen and smothering him in affection until he relaxed enough to let her see the man Holly had gotten glimpses of in the past month of living with him.
“I’ve got you covered, Mom.” She rose and flung her arms around Owen, holding him tight. Quiet and steady, he’d always projected an illusion of calm strength. Who could have known he’d didn’t understand how to show any other part of himself? From now on, Holly was going to make it her mission to teach him how. And to be worthy of his trust.
“That’s my girl. Now, next time you come see me, make sure you bring Trent in case I need to talk some sense into him too.” Her mom rolled her eyes. Then she rested her head on her pillow and closed them, a smile still lingering on her face.
“Rest, Mom. And get well.”
“I’m going to try my damnedest. This place ain’t cheap and they’re talking about a rehab facility. I bet I can skip that if I learn to do their exercises or whatever on my own.” Mom’s smile vanished as the reality of her future care needs sank in.
“No need to rush it.” Holly cleared her throat. “I’ve got you covered. Trent made sure of it, okay?”
“He what?” Her mom blinked a few times.