Trent paused at the side of the bed. How the man resisted climbing in next to Holly, Owen would never understand. “Are you sure about this? You’ve been through a lot. I don’t want to rush things and risk turning stuff between us into a bigger disaster.”

“That’s not possible, jerk.” Lorenzo put his hand on Trent’s lower back and shoved.

Holly laughed when Trent toppled onto her before shooting Lorenzo a glare. The sound did something to Owen, and it seemed like his two friends, too.

It calmed him, made him think they maybe had gotten incredibly lucky and that somehow, things were going to be okay.

Holly was going to recover from her ordeal. So were they, and maybe their relationship, too.

At least he hoped it could be possible.

So he didn’t wait. He got into Trent’s bed on Holly’s right side as Lorenzo mirrored him on her left.

“For the record…” Holly murmured as she spread her legs to make room for Trent between them while also reaching out, searching blindly for Owen and Lorenzo. “Iamsure. As sure as I was last night. No, even more. Because you came for me. You actually came.”

Her voice hitched at that last bit, and Owen had to resist the urge to smack Trent for making her doubt they would for even a moment.

“Of course I did.” Trent seemed slightly insulted she’d consider anything else, but why should he be when that’s the impression he’d given her?

Hopefully, she’d known that Owen and Lorenzo wouldn’t have allowed Trent to do anything but barter for her. They would have done it themselves if they’d had the necessary cash. And if Ford hadn’t hired the security experts, Owen probably would have pulled out some of the dirty tricks he’d learned on the street and found a way to talk to people he’d though best left forgotten in order to track her down.

Fortunately, it hadn’t come to that so she didn’t realize how savage he could be when backed into a corner.

“Thanks,” Holly whispered before spearing her fingers into Trent’s hair and dragging him to her for a slow, tender kiss. If Owen hadn’t already been hard—a reaction to the adrenaline, or maybe the direction he’d hoped they were headed all along—he would have gotten stiff watching the way they made out. It was entirely different from how Trent had been with women they’d shared before. Hell, he’d never kissed them at all. Even if he had, Owen was sure it wouldn’t have been with as much intimacy or passion.

Owen hoped to experience that kind of affection someday, but for now, binging on their passion would work. If his fist dropped to his cock and began to stroke it, no one would blame him. Certainly not Lorenzo, who did the same as he stared at the pair between them, gluing them together.

Owen lowered himself to his stomach and brushed his thumb right beneath the bandage encircling Holly’s wrist. The sight of it pained him, so he leaned in to place gentle kisses above the gauze and tape, traveling up her arm. Lorenzo looked at him over Trent’s back and proceeded to mimic his motions.

They worked together, pretending they were trying to soothe her when Owen knew damn well it was themselves they were comforting. They’d barely found her and they’d almost lost her. Their friendship wouldn’t have been able to recover if anything had happened to her.

They’d almost ruined everything.

Owen wasn’t going to let that happen again. She was precious to him, even if she didn’t understand that yet.

Holly shivered and wrenched her mouth from Trent’s in order to suck in several heaving breaths. She whipped her gaze to Owen. “Whatever you’re doing, don’t stop.”

He grinned. He was worshipping her. So was Lorenzo. Trent would be again too, as soon as he finished ridding himself of his clothes. While he did, Owen walked Holly’s T-shirt up her stomach and nuzzled the underside of her breasts. She was so soft and warm he couldn’t wait until he could sink into her and burn off his lingering tension.

Lorenzo lifted her shoulders and helped him shed her shirt and unwrap her bra from around her luscious body. When Trent returned, pressing his bare chest to hers, she gasped. “Hurry, Trent.”

Owen slid his hand between them. There wasn’t going to be enough time to do this the way he would have preferred. So instead, he concentrated on making sure she was ready and able to handle it when Trent lifted up enough to fit his cock to her entrance.

He traced light circles around her clit and sucked on her nipple while Lorenzo took care of her other side, kneading her breast and taking up kissing her when Trent levered himself farther upright for a better angle.

Holly’s moan made it clear when he’d worked his way inside her tight pussy.

The guy had more self-control than Owen. He started out with slow, gentle glides of his hips that plunged him to the hilt before slipping back out. But it didn’t take long before Trent was obeying the urging of Holly’s heels on his ass, which insisted he drive deeper and faster within her.

Owen glanced up and saw Trent fucking with his eyes closed, a sure sign that he was trying to hold out. Owen didn’t blame him. Holly looked incredible taking his dick and loving every second of the time they spent joined.

So it shocked the hell out of him when Holly said, “Trent, don’t stop. I’m close.”

And instead of reassuring her that he was too, he cooed, “Go ahead. Get it, Holly. I want you to come on me.”

How the hell was he going to pull that off without caving to his own desires? Owen and Lorenzo shot each other questioning stares over Holly’s body, which writhed between them. Lorenzo asked, “You’re not gonna join her?”

“Not if I can help it.” Trent grunted as he drove forward.