So he yanked Owen’s arm.

The man only had two choices: throw his leg over Holly and straddle her in front of Lorenzo, or squash her. And they both knew he would never risk injuring her.

Over Owen’s shoulder, Lorenzo witnessed Holly’s shocked expression morph into a smile. Her eyes sparkled as she put her hands up and cupped her breasts, mounding them together. Lorenzo did what he could to facilitate things by running his hands beneath his balls and collecting the slickness there before reaching around Owen and painting her own arousal and the extra lube he’d poured on her between her breasts.

She was so wet, her chest glistened, and he had to admit his cock jerked at the sight.

Owen, however, was a goner. He used two fingers to press his dick down and aimed the head at her cleavage. Holly shaped herself around Owen’s cock as it poked between the pillow of her breasts and protruded from the other side.

Holly lowered her chin and opened her mouth, taking what she could reach of his tip between her lips. Damn, that had to feel incredible.

Trent stared at the show they were putting on over Holly’s shoulder, moaning as he ground up into her ass from below. Lorenzo couldn’t help himself either—he began to move, pressing into her before retreating, just enough to do it again.

He and Owen bumped into each other somewhat awkwardly as they fucked her pussy and chest, so Lorenzo thoughtfuck itand put his arm around Owen’s waist, locking them together.

The other guy shot him a what-the-hell-are-you-doing stare before he realized how good it would feel as Lorenzo fucked forward and the resulting motion forced Owen’s cock between Holly’s breasts. It only took two strokes before Owen relaxed and let Lorenzo drive them both.

Teamed up to provide Holly with as much pleasure as possible, it also guaranteed their own enjoyment. Trent cursed then matched the rhythm Lorenzo set, pumping into Holly’s ass as he retreated. They passed each other with every stroke, only enhancing each other’s efforts.

Holly’s hands gripped herself harder, her fingers pressing on her nipples as the three of them made love to every part of her they could. For Lorenzo, that included her mind and her heart.

Trent whispered sweet encouragement to her as Owen cupped the back of her head and lifted it so that he could feed her more of his length. Lorenzo picked up the pace, sensing the energy crackling between them and the escalating desire that would soon rain euphoria on them all.

He wanted that for them.

Not only for one night, but for the rest of their lives.

Some people might say it was too soon to know that’s what the stakes were in this exchange, but he could honestly say none of their previous experiences had ever been like this. This was who they were meant to be and he wanted Holly—and Trent and Owen—to see it too.

So he fucked faster, and Trent matched him by default, keeping pace as they tunneled deeper and harder into Holly’s body.

Her eyelids fluttered and her eyes began to roll back before she scrunched them closed and shouted. “Yes! Fuck yes! I’m going to come. On all of you. With all of you.”

“Good girl,” Trent murmured in her ear. “Do it. We’ll follow you. Now and forever.”

Lorenzo wasn’t sure she heard him, but his friend’s promise struck a lightning bolt of ecstasy and hope straight to his soul. He roared, and Owen shook in his hold. He kept the other man upright as he caved just a split second before the rest of them.

When the first spurt of Owen’s release touched Holly’s lower lip, she exploded, wringing Lorenzo and Trent’s dick with the force of her orgasm.

Lorenzo’s chest slapped against Owen’s back as he unloaded deep within Holly, flooding her pussy even as Trent pumped his own seed into her ass. The three of them groaned and called her name over and over. If his best friends were even half as entranced by her and what she could do to them, they were mindless with pleasure.

Holly kept coming, her flesh milking him until he was dry. Even still he pumped into her with short erratic strokes as she peaked and began to come back down.

He rode through the climax, dragging every last bit of ecstasy from it before his arm fell away from Owen and he sat back on his haunches, his cock falling from Holly’s body.

After they caught their breath some, he had to move or risk crushing them all.

Lorenzo would have damned his liquefied muscles, except watching a trickle of his fluid slip from her pussy and decorate her flesh made him moan instead. She had to know that she belonged to them now, and that they were hers too.

Didn’t she?

Instead of slowing, his heart rate tripled, damn near causing the thing to burst in his chest.

Yesterday, this had been the point at which she’d walked out on them. Had they done a better job today of showing her how much they prized her and how desperately they wanted her in their lives?

Lorenzo glared at Trent, insisting without words that the man make things right.

If he fucked up again, Lorenzo would never forgive him. How could he when he knew they’d never find another woman like Holly in their entire lifetime?