Page 68 of Joy Ride

“Rivet called.Either Angus is setting us up or Rivet needs our help.”Walker sighed.

“So Joy went?Alone?”Dane’s fingers went icy cold, and not only because he’d rushed out of the house without his gloves.“What the hell is wrong with you?Why would you let her do that?”

“I clearly can’t control what she does.”Walker huffed at that.“Also…Rivet is a girl.”

“What?”Dane nearly fell on his face again.No way.The guy was a runt, sure.But…a woman?No way he would have been able to tell.Thishadto be one of Angus’s tricks.And Joy was facing it by herself.

Walker shrugged.“According to Joy, who refused to explain how exactly she knew that or why Rivet would hide that factoid…”

“And you seriously stood there and let Joy leave to get twisted up in the middle of that clusterfuck?What the hell is wrong with you?”Dane yelled.“If something happens to her, I swear to God I’ll cut your balls off with a rusty knife and run your dick through the power hammer.”

“Remind me never to make him mad,” Quinn muttered from beside them.

Dane was not amused.“I’ve already let her down so many times.If she gets hurt again and I’m not there to do anything about it…”

“You’re right.I’m an idiot.I should have thought about how that would haunt you…us.Okay, fine, us.I can’t do it either.”Walker grabbed Dane’s arm and tugged.“Let’s go.If we floor it, we might not be that far behind her.And if it does turn out to be a setup, I’m eager to take my turn at kicking someone’s ass.”

Tom nodded and smiled at Walker then.“That’s the way, son.Be careful, both of you.And hurry home with those girls.”

Side by side, Walker and Dane ran to the garage and the storage bay where they parked their motorcycles.Conveniently, Joy had left it open.As they straddled their motorcycles and grabbed their helmets, Dane said, “Walker, you know we’re better together than apart.Safer too.You can’t control everything.You’re going to have to learn how to live with uncertainty.”

“Can we talk about this later?”Walker grimaced.

“Just in case there isn’t a later, I need you to know that I love you.And that I want a life with you and Joy, raising our daughter and hopefully more kids together, even if you two are both royal pains in my ass.”He slammed down his visor and started his bike, the roar drowning out anything Walker might have said in return.

Then he was off, barreling down the long, winding driveway through the woods, with Walker right beside him, where he belonged.Dane didn’t even know where they were headed, but as long as Walker was leading the way and Joy was wherever they ended up, he would gladly follow.