Page 58 of Joy Ride


Joy reached one hand behind her to grab Walker’s hip and the other sought Dane.She clung to them both, afraid to let them stray even an inch away.She needed them as badly as they needed her.

It took Dane several tries, but eventually he began to sink inside instead of slipping off his mark.Joy’s eyes flew open and her mouth turned into a surprised ring as she took them both and held them together within her body.

“You’re perfect, Joy.Made for us.”Walker bit her shoulder as he held still, allowing Dane to settle in before they began to move.

And when they did, she screamed.Not in pain, but in pleasure.

Imagining their dicks caressing each other even as they did the same to her drove her wild.She clamped around them.

“She’s going to come,” Walker rasped to Dane.“Don’t you dare come with her.Not yet.”

Dane gritted his teeth and nodded.

They worked her until Walker’s prediction came true.She lost control and tipped into climax, her sheath rippling around them, and still they fucked.They didn’t give her a chance to cool down and only stoked the fire within her higher.

“Joy,” Walker murmured in her ear.“Have you ever had anal sex?”

Huh?She shook her head no.If she hadn’t done it with them, she hadn’t done it, period.

That didn’t mean she wasn’t willing to try it, though.

If only she could move or make her brain respond, she’d tell him that.

“Ah, you’re getting worn out finally, huh?”Walker chuckled.“That’s okay, we’ll try it some other time.You’re going to love having my cock there while Dane takes care of your pussy.”

Dane grunted.She felt the tension in his muscles when he cleared his throat.

“What is it?”she asked him, prying her eyes open as she emerged from her post orgasmic haze only to embrace reawakening desire.

Walker paused then too, narrowing his eyes as he studied their partner.

Goose bumps broke out on Dane’s arms right before he reached out and put his hand on Walker’s wrist.Then he said, “If that’s what you’re in the mood for, fuck me instead.”

Walker froze, glancing between Dane and Joy.

“I take it that’s not how your typical threesomes go.”Joy tipped her head, wondering why Walker would balk at the suggestion when his cock clearly voted yes.It surged within her, eager to take Dane up on his offer.

“Nothing about today is typical.”Dane kissed her again, tensing his ass so he drove into her a bit deeper.“No, that’s something we’ve only shared when we’re alone.I don’t know why.I guess…”

Was he ashamed that he enjoyed it?Or afraid of rejection from either their previous partners…or Walker.

“We should focus on pleasing Joy.”Walker shook his head.

Disappointment flashed over Dane’s face.He looked down, but not before she caught it.

“It does.Please me, I mean.To see you taking care of Dane and to watch you both getting off on the bond you share.”Joy hugged Dane, trying to reassure him.She loved him even more because of how loyal he was to Walker.“Besides, I’d rather today was about the three of us than me alone.This is the first day of our future together.That only works if we’re equals and we acknowledge all of our desires.”

Still Walker hesitated, making Dane’s cock lose some of its stiffness within her.

“Don’t act like you’re not tempted, Walker.Look at his tight ass.Imagine how it will feel to fuck him knowing that every time you put your cock in him, it’ll drive him deeper into me.”Joy wasn’t sure where such dirty talk came from, but it turned out to be a very effective tool.

“Of course I’m tempted!”Walker roared.“Either of you alone is practically more than I can handle.Both of you together… I don’t stand a chance, do I?”

“No,” Dane and Joy said at the same time.

“Fine, but if this ends in disaster, don’t blame me.”Walker grimaced.“I’m not strong enough to say no anymore.”