“Hey, Joy.You ready for round two?”Devra asked her as she waved a pie cutter over the sweet honey cake she’d whipped up for their girls-only retreat.Bint al-Sahn.Joy had learned the name of it, repeating it until she’d pronounced it precisely like Devra since it would be on the menu of her restaurant.She was going to sell a million pieces.
Devra had kicked her two husbands out so that she could give Joy a sneak peek of the items she’d be serving.Kyra, Wren, and Amber had joined in because…well, baked goods and gossip.Why not?
It felt odd to have friends, people who weren’t sucking up to her because of who her stepfather was or trying to use her to get to him in some sick and twisted way.It had been a while since she’d allowed herself to make those sorts of personal connections because it had always turned sour and sometimes downright dangerous.
With Devra, Wren, Kyra, and Amber—and the rest of the Hot Rods and Powertools ladies she’d met since arriving in Middletown, there were a ton of them to get to know—she didn’t have to worry about what they were scheming…unless it was some ill-disguised matchmaking plot.
“Yeah.”Joy figured she didn’t need to worry about recovering her waistline as soon as possible post-baby since Walker and Dane didn’t seem interested in rekindling their relationship.Dane had practically ignored her since their disastrous liaison.They were driving her to cake.“Hit me.I could use another slice.”
Wren and Kyra exchanged glances at that, as if Joy had kicked the door wide open, inviting their curiosity.They might as well air out all her dirty laundry.It was getting awkward to know these women so well, spend so much time in their company, and yet keep so much to herself.It felt like she was lying by omission about some vital pieces of herself.
“So, totally to be nosy…howarethings going with Dane and Walker?”Devra plopped down next to Joy, handed her a plate of flaky dessert, and met her gaze so she couldn’t evade the conversation.Not that she cared to, really.It was a relief to have someone to talk to about the situation.
Women who could understand and wouldn’t automatically think she was nuts for lusting after both of her housemates or wanting them at all, given their history.She’d never had a sounding board like that before.Maybe with their advice and experience in her corner, things could go differently between her and the guys this time.
God knew they weren’t figuring it out on their own, even after repeated attempts.
“Um, it’s okay.I guess?”Joy winced.“We haven’t killed each other yet and they haven’t evicted me.”
“Girl, I think your bar is a little low.”Wren snickered.
“Probably.But in my experience, it’s better not to set yourself up for inevitable disappointment.”Joy shoveled a huge chunk of cake into her mouth.Damn, it was good.Devra’s restaurant was going to be a hit.She hoped that meant she’d make decent tips.
“I’m sorry you’ve been let down so often.”Devra frowned.
“You know what’s exceeding my expectations?Your baking.”Joy focused on her plate and forked up another bite.
“You’re not wrong, but flattery won’t get them to leave you alone.”Amber shot the other ladies a pointed glare.“They’re like leeches once they latch on.They’re going to suck the juicy details out of you, so you might as well come clean and save them the effort.”
Joy laughed, choking on her mouthful.Once she’d swallowed it, humming in delight, she confessed, “I mean, in some ways it’s great, living with Dane and Walker again.It feels just like it did when we shared Angus’s house.Except better because there isn’t Wildfire shit hanging over our heads all the time, making us paranoid.Plus, they’ve taken to Arden like…well, like she’s their own.”
“That doesn’t surprise me as much as it seems to shock you.”Kyra smiled softly.“Walker and Dane are good guys.They’ll do the right thing.Besides, how could they resist Arden…or you?”
“I don’t know about all that.”Joy waved off the second part of Kyra’s declaration.
“They must have seriously fucked up with you to make you doubt what is obvious to everyone else—you know, the fact that they drool over you.”Wren shook her head.“Dumbasses.What did they do?”
“They have a habit of leaving me.I don’t want to get too attached.It would hurt so bad if they turned their backs on me again.Worse if they did it to their daughter.I would never forgive them for that.”There, she’d said it.
“I don’t know why they haven’t stuck around in the past,” Devra said.“But when they look at you, they change.They have a soft spot when it comes to you.If they didn’t care, they wouldn’t have invited you into their home.They’re doing well enough they could have set you up somewhere on your own but they want you close.They love you.”
“Sometimes that’s not enough, is it?”
“Worse, sometimes I think it can make things more complicated.”Wren sighed.“Jordan left me for ten years after our first partner was killed in the line of duty.”
“Oh my God.”Joy set down her somehow empty plate and fork on the coffee table with a clatter.“I’m so sorry.How did you get him back?”
“It’s a long story.I’ll tell you some other time, when we’re not talking about you.Suffice it to say that it wasn’t easy for any of us.But if Walker and Dane are the guys for you, you’re going to have to fight for them.”Wren leaned in.“It will be worth it.”
“Will it, though?Or am I foolish for hoping things could work out after so many failures?The stakes are so much higher this time.I won’t be able to handle it.”Joy looked at the exposed rafters of the tiny home Devra shared with Trevon and Quinn, hoping the other women couldn’t tell how close to bawling she was.
“Oh, honey, none of us has had it easy.Hell, Kyra and Ollie almost died after one of their arguments with Van recently.”Amber gestured at the perky blonde.Joy hated to admit it, but she’d felt a little bitter about the women and their perfect lives and their perfect men.
Had she had it wrong?
Maybe she needed to be more persistent.If she gave up, then she was doomed to a life without the two men she dreamed of.She couldn’t quite believe it could be possible.“Really?”