Page 70 of Joy Ride

“Oh, I am.”Clive grinned, flashing one crooked gold tooth.“If I recover any of you, or eliminate you, Angus will make good on his promise.”

“What the hell did he tell you that has you pretending you have balls of your own after years spent up his ass?”Walker snorted.“That he’s going to promote you?Make you president when he’s done?I hope you’re smarter than that.Everyone knows Gunner is his pick.”

Clive didn’t take the bait, but a muscle in his jaw twitched.“You used to be, until you turned into a pussy.Now…yeah, it’s going to be me to lead Wildfire, and Joy has always been perfect old lady material.I think the only reason your dad didn’t claim her for himself was to have a chance at tempting you to come home.If you’re retired for good… Well, let’s just say I’d be gracious enough to ensure she has a place there—with me—after we teach her a lesson or two about trying to run away.”

Walker might have taken a swing at him right then if Dane wasn’t there to snag his elbow.

Clive only laughed.“We can take this outside or we can make a mess in here.I don’t give a fuck.”

As if to prove his point, he bent to the left and kicked out with his right foot, toppling the table beside their booth.A woman at a nearby booth screamed as silverware and glasses flew through the air, then rained to the ground with a clatter of epic proportions.

The two guys behind Clive cracked their knuckles.

And then there was no choice.They advanced.

Walker looked at Dane and nodded.Together, they charged.They met Clive and his cronies past halfway to keep them as far from Joy and Sevan as possible.It wasn’t much, but hopefully it would be enough.

Walker and Dane could easily handle three men between them, as long as they didn’t have…

One of the guys pulled a wicked-looking knife out of his sleeve and the other drew a gun from the waistband of his jeans.

Patrons trampled each other in their haste to abandon the diner, screaming about a shooter as they left.Dane hoped they made it out before someone got killed.He eyed the row of plate glass windows that started a few booths away from the back wall and wondered if he could throw a chair through it so Joy and Sevan could take off too.

But he didn’t have a chance to try out his plan.

Clive went for Walker and the other two guys came for him.

He dodged the knife aimed straight at his heart, then clotheslined the guy holding it before kicking behind him at the other assailant, connecting with the bastard’s knee.

Meanwhile, Walker was doing a similar dance with Clive.Dane had to trust that his best friend could hold his own.So he ignored their grunts and curses and the thud of flesh on flesh as he leveled the man with the knife.Unfortunately, the other bastard was right there to smash a napkin dispenser in between his shoulder blades, knocking him to his knees on the ground.

Joy shrieked as Sevan prevented her from joining the fray.

The guy lifted the gleaming dispenser again.And just went Dane thought it was over, he heard the bell on the front door ring.

Who the fuck was crazy enough to come inside?Hopefully not more Wildfire members or they would be done for.Instead, he heard Quinn say loudly, “Hey, guys!There you are.I thought you could use some company.”

“They have a gun, and knives,” Walker choked out despite Clive’s pressure on his windpipe.He had Walker trapped up against the wall as he used Joy’s safety as a bargaining chip to keep Walker from lashing out and crushing him.If it weren’t for the wreckage of the tables, and the guy with the gun, Joy and Sevan might have been able to dart past them.

“That’s okay,” Trevon chimed in.“You have a whole bunch of pissed-off biker friends.Us.That’s far more dangerous.Plus, the cops will be here any minute.Jordan and Van are bringing some of their guys, too.Don’t worry, we’ve got your backs.These assholes aren’t going to get away with this.”

Clive glanced up then, taking in Quinn, Trevon, Wren, and Alanso stalking toward them.Six to three was bad enough odds.Cops and other backup on the way would ruin his day.The only thing worse would be if he let both Joy and Sevan—even if he didn’t yet realize she was Rivet—get away.Then the cops would look like toy soldiers compared to Angus and what he would order done to Clive, while he was rotting in jail or not.

Clive looked dead into Walker’s eyes and, and said to the man with the gun, “Shoot him.”

The assassination attempt fell short when the kitchen door was kicked open and Van barreled through it like a freight train, tackling the asshole pointing the gun at Walker.It flew out of his hands and Joy ran over to grab it while Jordan and five other guys dressed in black streamed in behind Van, assault rifles drawn, aimed at the three Wildfire members.

“We’ll take it from here, guys.”Jordan seemed unfazed, almost cold, as he approached Clive and twisted his arm behind his back.

“What the fuck is this?”Clive asked, frantically trying to break free of Jordan’s grasp an instant before cuffs were slapped on him.

“A favor for the cops, who should be here any moment.You’re going to make quite a present for them.Now they owe me.”His stone-faced response made Dane aware that despite his prior deference, he’d underestimated the guy.Badly.Jordan wasn’t someone to fuck with.

“You’re arresting me?Jesus.You might as well kill me right now.It would be kinder if you put a bullet between my eyes.”

Walker winced, because it was true.They knew what happened to a potential leak in jail.

Dane didn’t give a fuck.Clive deserved that and more.So much more.“No mercy, Clive.Not for you.Never.”