Page 64 of Joy Ride

Joy glanced around the room as if agonizing about continuing.

“We can help if you let us,” Jordan told Joy.“Between Van and me, we have the training and the contacts.What can we do?”

“I’m not sure.But it’s not safe for Rivet to stay at Wildfire.If he says he needs help, we have to believe him.I can’t live with the consequences otherwise.”Joy glanced wistfully toward Arden, wrapped in Devra’s arms.“Call Dane to come for Arden.Maybe you all should go over to Hot Rods and hang out for a while with him and the babies.Take Walker too.Stay together.”

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?”Walker asked, marching toward her.

“To get Rivet.”

“Think, Joy!”Walker shouted at her.“Think instead of always following your damn heart, which gets you in trouble.No way are we going to give Angus a shot at you, or Arden through you.And we’re sure as hell not bringing Rivet back here so he can spy on us for my father.Absolutely not.”

“If I’m not welcome to come home with Rivet, I’ll find somewhere else to go.”Joy’s mouth was pinched, as if the thought was as distasteful to her as it was to him.“I’ll leave Arden until I’m sure this isn’t some kind of trap.”

“Why?Why do you care so much about Angus’s fucking errand boy?”He tried not to be jealous.After all, he’d believed Joy when she said she’d only ever chosen to be with him and Dane.So what was her attachment to the young man?

“Because there’s something you don’t know.Rivet wasn’t lying about that.”Joy scrubbed her hand over her face as if it was hard to even say out loud.What secrets had she been hiding for the guy?Would it be such a betrayal to admit it now?

“Tell me,” he commanded.

Joy blurted, “Rivet isn’t ahe.Rivet is ashe.If Wildfire finds out, your father will kill her or have Clive do it for him.You know he will!”