Walker couldn’t sleep.
He paced the floor but couldn’t get very far.They didn’t call this a tiny home for nothing.He wasn’t bashing it, though.He was grateful for a place of his own.Well, a place he could share with Dane, which was pretty much the same thing.They’d been living together since their military days and Dane had spent so much time at Walker’s house when they were in high school, he might as well count that era too.
Walker didn’t blame the guy.Dane had been infatuated with Walker’s stepsister, Joy, and used their friendship to spend every second possible ogling her.If Walker said he hadn’t appreciated the excuse to see more of her himself, he’d be lying.But that had been before everything went to shit…the first time.
It had taken a long, winding road to get them here, to the moment in time where they were doing what they loved—working on custom motorcycles—and being paid well for it.
Hell, the house had been an unexpected, but very appreciated, bonus.The fact that it was becoming somewhere to call home, well, that was even more incredible.
Walker and Dane had both been onboard with getting dirty and building it themselves, with help from their new employers and their friends.The Hot Rides motorcycle shop family was certainly a big one.Especially once you counted the gang from their sister-shop Hot Rods down the road and their construction worker pals, the Powertools crew, who were in town for an extended holiday vacation.
So why was he suddenly so anxious he couldn’t seem to calm his mind long enough to enjoy his big soft bed and the quiet of the woods surrounding their new place?
Walker groaned and ran his fingers over his beard, shaping it the way he liked.
He knew exactly what the problem was.He just didn’t want to admit it.Even to himself.
Spending every day around people in committed, blissfully happy ménage relationships was reminding him of what he and Dane had walked away from.It had seemed like the right thing to do at the time, but…what if they’d made a mistake?
A terrible mistake.
No.Walker shook his head in the dark.They’d done what was best no matter how much it had hurt them both.He paced to the wall separating his room from Dane’s and put his hand on the freshly painted shiplap.
Dropping his forehead to the boards, he cursed the fact that he and Dane didn’t have an excuse to share a space anymore.At least when they’d been living out of a hotel room, he’d been able to ground himself by watching his partner sleep.Counting Dane’s deep breaths had sometimes even allowed Walker to drift off himself.
Now, all he could see in the black of night was the expression that had crossed Joy’s face as she’d come around him and Dane the time they’d shared her.Who’d have thought she could take them like that, holding each of them so perfectly within her?
It had been the best, and worst, moment of his life.Because even as he’d relished her surrender and done everything in his power to enhance her pleasure, he knew that they were going to disappoint her come morning.
It was the last thing he’d ever wanted and the one thing he seemed best at.
Even now, he couldn’t deny that he ached to do it again.His cock roused as he tried to scrub the memories of making love to his stepsister from his mind.Tried and failed, horribly.
Walker growled as he stalked to the wooden chair beside his bed and sank onto it.At least he slept naked, so he didn’t have to waste time stripping off his pajamas to take matters into his own hands.
He grabbed his cock, angry at himself that this was what it took to calm his mind and his body.It always came back to her and the one thing he couldn’t have.So why couldn’t he let it go?
Her.He couldn’t lethergo.At least not in his dreams.
Walker caressed himself as he remembered what it had been like, that night when they’d finally given in to the desire that had first awakened between them so many years ago.When Joy had barely been a woman and they were living in the same house, their parents recently married.
Dane had developed a crush on her from the first moment he met her.He and Walker had been best friends, even in high school, and the day Dane had been introduced to Walker’s future stepsister, their lives had changed forever.If only things hadn’t gotten fucked up, Walker was sure that Dane would have married Joy and lived happily ever after.But shit like that was only for fairy tales.
Instead, everything had gone to hell and they’d joined the military, getting shipped out before they could cross any lines, like killing Wildfire’s sergeant-at-arms, Clive, and either pissing off his father for wasting one of his assets or going to prison for the rest of their lives because of it.
While they were away, their friendship had deepened into something more.Something intimate and…carnal.Only they could understand what the other had been through.But that hadn’t stopped them from taking Joy when they were grown ass men who should have known better.
After they’d left the service, they didn’t have anywhere to go.Aimless and unadjusted to normal life, they’d listened to Walker’s father, who told them they’d always have a spot in his “organization”.Except they quickly realized that wasn’t going to work out either.
Both because of their disagreements with his good old dad, the asshole’s unscrupulous methods, and his degrading morals.What had seemed like petty mischief when Walker left, had escalated to full-out criminal activity by the time he’d returned.
Oh, and also because of Joy.