Page 33 of Joy Ride

Joy couldn’t hold back a sigh at the contact of his soapy hand.She collapsed against the back of the tub, spreading her legs for him and wishing he had more in mind than cleaning her body.He didn’t take the opening, though, instead proceeding to tend to every inch of her stomach then upward.He paid special attention to her breasts.

She closed her eyes, in no danger of drifting off now.Joy was far too excited to fall asleep and miss out on whatever he planned to do with her next.

Truth was, whatever it was, she wasn’t about to stop him.

Walker could have all of her if he wanted it.

Please, let him want it.

He wrung out the cloth, then tapped her shoulder.“Come over here.Spin this way so I can wash your hair.”

“Is that all?”She hated that she’d asked.

“For now.”He used a glass from the sink and filled it with fresh water before pouring it over her hair.She closed her eyes again, tipping her head back to keep it out of her face.

Walker’s lips brushed her forehead a moment before he dispensed shampoo into his hands and began to work it into her hair, making sure to massage her scalp.Her toes curled where she braced them on the opposite side of the tub, and she thought she might melt or maybe purr.

It surprised her again, this tender side of him he never showed the world.How deep had he buried it within himself?Had growing up with Wildfire done that to him?

She hated the club even more than she already did.

Too soon, he rinsed the bubbles from her hair, yet neither of them moved to get her out of the tub.He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I should put you to bed.”

“Yes, you definitely should.”

“Alone, I mean.”He cursed then as her stomach dropped to her toes.“Don’t worry, Joy.I can’t do it.I can’t let you go without at least a taste of you.”