Kyra and Van repeated the words to each other and Ollie until all of them were bound together.
“Can I ask one other thing I’ve been wondering about?”Kyra nibbled her lip, afraid to undo their progress but trusting that the sensitive subject couldn’t break them.Only she could do that.
“Of course.”Van nodded.
“What happened to Number One?Is he still…out here?”She reached over to Van and held his hand.“I’m willing to tell you, I’m afraid of running into him again.I hope you’ll stick very close to me.”
“You don’t have to worry about that.”Van stroked her hair.“Jordan apprehended him fleeing the stadium and called the authorities.He was taken to a psychiatric hospital where his mother took custody and is making sure he gets the help he needs.He won’t bother you again.But if he or anyone else does, I’ll be here.”
“Thank you.”She blew him a kiss, unshed tears making her eyes sparkle in the afternoon sun.“That makes me feel so much better.”
Van relaxed as he saw she did too.She meant it.She had faith in him.
Ollie closed his eyes, leaned his head back against the headrest and said, “Hey, Van, take us home, would you?”
Van smiled as he swiveled the seat around, turned the key in the ignition, and headed for Hot Rides with his precious cargo.