Page 77 of Slow Ride

“They say when you fall off the iron horse you gotta get back on, right?I’m might have crashed and burned with Wren and Jordan, but I’m not giving up.Let’s go.”Kason came alive again inside.Feeling returned to him in a rush.Although some of it hurt, it was better to feel this than that awful nothing.

He was doing the right thing.

“Okay, now I might agree with Rick on that one.”Van held up his hand.“Wait for me to get my truck…”

“Not waiting.Sorry.”Kason grinned as he swung the three hops over to Alanso’s motorcycle.The bald man sprinted over and got on.Kason dropped his crutches as he climbed behind Alanso, and stuck his leg out to the side, leaning in the opposite direction to balance out the shift of his weight.“Hurry.Please.”

Alanso did as he was asked.Kason grinned as they flew down the road, especially when he realized—at a red light—that the bus was following them, though falling farther behind by the second.Kason shouted into the wind, hoping his friends were right and that it wasn’t too late.

Someone must have gotten through to Devra.Her sedan was pulled over in one of those scenic-view turnoffs on the side of the road.They rolled to a stop behind her.Wren and Jordan rushed out of the car.

Jordan shouted, “Are you fucking crazy?”

Wren glared even as she helped Jordan brace him so he could get off Alanso’s motorcycle without putting weight on his bad leg.As they were arguing about it, Kason’s bus pulled up behind them, hogging most of the space in the bump out that overlooked a stunning valley.

“Please.Come inside.Give me a chance to explain.To make it right.”Kason didn’t care if he had to drop to his knees in the dirt and beg.Whatever it took, that’s what he was going to do.

“It’s probably better if we take some time to think things over first.”Wren shook her head.

Surprisingly, it was Jordan who persuaded her.“It’s okay.Let’s hear him out.Even if you’re not interested, I am.I know you’re still upset about what happened back there.But you know what?There was a time in my life when I didn’t have the guts to be honest either.A time when I was too afraid to stay with you and risk hurting you more.People change, Wren.They grow.Sometimes they deserve a second chance like the one you’ve given me.”

He dipped his head and kissed her lightly.

Wren blinked, then nodded.“Okay.”

“Thank you,” Kason said.He turned and nodded at Alanso, who was grinning like a fool.He waved to their friends then headed for the bus before Wren and Jordan could change their minds.His bus driver came off and let Kason know they had the place to themselves, then grabbed a ride back with the Hot Rides, who were leaving.

It wasn’t pretty, but Kason managed to hop up the stairs on his good leg.At the top of them, Jordan was right there to assist.He put his arm around Kason and said, “Where to?”

“My bedroom is at the back.Help me lie down and put my foot up?”

“Does your leg hurt?”Wren asked.

“Not as bad as knowing I let you down.I’m so sorry, Wren.”

She shook her head.“It’s Jordan you should apologize to.”

He turned his head to meet Jordan’s stare from a couple of inches away.“I am sorry.”

It was probably a bad sign that Jordan didn’t respond directly.Instead, he maneuvered through the narrow gap between the band bunks, then got Kason into bed.Wren piled a few pillows at the foot of it and gingerly lifted his leg into place.Kason sighed.

“Damn, I had no idea a bus could be this fancy.”Jordan looked around Kason’s home on wheels.The marble floor and plush bedding were pretty impressive.“Truth is, Kason.I’m not sure we belong here.With you.Your manager is right, you know.You stand to lose a lot.I don’t think I really understood how much until this weekend.”

“Yeah, I could.”He shrugged.

Wren looked like she was going to knock his head off with the bedside lamp.So he clarified, “What I mean is, if you two leave me, I won’t have anything that matters.You’re more important than cash or big houses or even the adoration of millions of people.Because you two are the only ones I love, so your opinions matter more than all the others combined.”

Both Jordan and Wren froze at that.

Wren whispered, “What did you say?”

“I love you.Both of you.”Kason cleared his throat.“When I saw my life flash before my eyes today, the only regret I had was that I hadn’t given myself to you completely yet.I’m working on it.I’m not perfect, but I’m yours if you’ll have me.”

Jordan stepped forward, ready to take anything Kason would share.

Wren put her hand on Jordan’s wrist.“It’s not that easy.You can’t only give yourself, you have to accept us too.I’ve been so fortunate in my life to be loved unconditionally twice.”

“Three times,” Kason corrected, unwilling to let them go without a proper fight.