Page 76 of Slow Ride


“What the hell are you doing?”Eli, the owner of Hot Rods, marched over to Kason, making Van edge closer.Kason didn’t plan to so much as lift a finger, or a crutch, if the other guy tried to take a swing at him.He deserved that and more for the agony he’d seen on both Jordan and Wren’s faces.

He hadn’t been prepared.

With everything that had happened, he’d been caught off guard.Denial was a reflex reaction.His old habits had ruined everything.

“Giving up.”Kason thought about sitting down right there in the parking lot.“I can’t make everyone happy.”

“That’s not your job,” Eli told him.“All you have to do is make yourself happy.Are you doing that?”

“I should be.I’m at the top of my game, have more money than I know what to do with, fame, and people listen to my music across the globe.It’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

“Are.You.Happy.”Eli stared at him like Kason was stupid while his husband and his wife flanked him, shooting Kason matching half-pitying, half-furious glares.

“Nope, which probably makes me ungrateful as well.Guess I’m screwing everything up.”

“Yes, you are.”Eli didn’t cut him any slack.As the King of their gang, he’d gotten used to doling out tough love when necessary.That didn’t mean he thought he was perfect.“Listen, I’ve done it too.So believe me when I tell you that you’re making a huge mistake.I’ve seen the three of you together.You remind me of us.Get Wren and Jordan back here before they put any more distance between you.You can still fix this.All you have to do is explain what’s in your heart and be glad to show anyone else who looks too.It’s not that hard.And it’s definitely nothing to be embarrassed about.Be honest.With yourself.With them.With the world.”

Alanso, Eli’s husband, reached out and put his hand on Eli’s shoulder.Kason had heard about their rocky start.Their wife, Mustang Sally, was even more blunt.“Quit being a coward.Why do you give a fuck what anyone thinks if it’s not you or the two people you’re in love with?”

“Is it that obvious?”Kason winced.

“Yes,” Alanso answered.“So there’s no use in trying to cover it up.Then you seem like a phony and an undeserving asshole.It’s not a good look on you.”

“I thought I was manning up by putting aside my own feelings and doing what I had to for my career and the careers of everyone involved.But I’m starting to think I had it backward.I need to do what’s right for myself even if that means giving up everything else or I won’t be any good to anybody.”

“There you go.”Sally smiled at him.“Now you’re making sense.”

Kason turned toward Van and Kyra.“I’m sorry, guys.I need them.”

Kyra stepped closer and hugged him.“You’ll be better for it, not worse off.Quit hiding, Kason.Everyone else will love you as much as we do.”

“And if they don’t, fuck ’em,” Sally said with a wave of her hand.

Kason grinned—miracle enough given the situation—then reached for his cell, remembering it hadn’t been as lucky as the rest of him.It hadn’t survived the crash.“Van, can I borrow your phone?”

Rick elbowed his way through the Hot Rods, Van, and Kyra.“Are you sure you want to do that?”

Sally glared at Rick and said, “Yeah, he’s sure.Didn’t you hear him?”

“Who are you?”Rick asked, then shrugged her off before she could rip into him.“Doesn’t matter.Look, Kason, we both know it was never going to last with those two.You’re on the road constantly, you’re surrounded by women who throw themselves at you night after night.You’re risking your entire career for something that has practically no chance of working out.”

Kason looked between the founding members of Hot Rods, standing united, and Rick.One of them might have more possessions, but the other had everything Kason had ever wanted and then some.Team Hot Rods for the win.

“Well, Rick, we both know I like to gamble even when the odds are terrible,” Kason tipped his head to each side until his neck cracked, releasing some of the tension there, and said, “I’m going to roll the dice.Who’s going to give me a ride?”

“Kason!Don’t be stupid!”Rick was about to stroke out.Every single person ignored his antics.“You’re throwing everything away for what?Some dick and pussy?”

Kason’s head snapped around, making him see stars again.But still he corrected Rick.“For love.”

Their friends gathered around hooted and hollered.Even Van cracked a smile.

“So who’s taking me?Let’s go.They’re getting too far away already.Can someone call Devra?Tell her to turn around.”

Alanso volunteered, “I will.But I came separate.All I’ve got is my bike.It’s right there, though…”

He jacked his thumb over his shoulder and Kason realized the other man had parked right by the bus.Perfect.