Page 64 of Slow Ride

“You have to invite the Powertools crew over here sometime,” he murmured, afraid to break the spell set by the nature around them.“They would love to see this.”

“Maybe their resort needs tree houses next,” Wren nodded.“It would be the perfect destination for the honeymooners they’ve been attracting lately.Because I swear this might be the most turned on I’ve ever been in my life.”

“I don’t think that’s because of the tree house, Wren.”Kason leaned in and kissed her again, making Jordan remember exactly why they were here with him.“I’ve never felt like this before when I sleep here.”

“You know that Kayla’s resort is for naturists?”Wren asked with a mischievous smile.

“Forgive me if I’m not thinking clearly at the moment,” Kason said.“But what’s that mean?”

“It’s a clothing-optional retreat,” Jordan filled him in.

“And I’m feeling inspired to follow their teachings right now.”Wren reached down and lifted the hem of the little black dress she’d worn.Not because she needed it to feel appropriately dressed for their date or because the traditionally feminine clothes made her sexier, but because they were a reflection of her truest self that she only shared with the men she trusted and cared for.

With them.

Kason followed her example and reached for his shirt, so Jordan did, too.

Wren was naked by the time they had stripped to the waist.They didn’t bother with their jeans.Not yet anyway, when everything they wanted was right there in front of them.They looked at each other and grinned before advancing on Wren simultaneously.

“Oh damn.”She sat on the bed, then scooted back, luring them closer.Wren kept going until she was in the center of the bed, then braced herself on her elbows, stared directly at them, and spread her long, long legs.

Jordan didn’t need any more invitation than that.Apparently, neither did Kason.

They crawled toward her, their shoulders pressed together.And when they reached her, they slid between her legs.Each of them took one of her thighs in one of their hands, lifting and spreading her to make room for them both near her core.

Kason’s eyes were slitted as he breathed deep of the scent of Wren’s arousal.“Mind if I have dessert first?”

Jordan took Kason’s chin in his hand and kissed the fuck out of the man for being so adventurous and so damn hot at the same time.Then he separated them enough to breathe, “Eat her pussy.Gently at first.She’s sensitive until after the first orgasm.”

Wren moaned and arched her back.“Quit talking and fucking do something better with your mouths, would you please?”

With a growl that made Jordan’s dick hard enough to risk poking a hole in the mattress, Kason sealed his mouth to Wren and began kissing her cunt as thoroughly as he’d so recently made out with Jordan’s mouth.

A cross between a shriek and a roar of triumph escaped Wren’s parted lips.Her head dropped back, her platinum hair streaming behind her.She put her hand between her legs to hold Kason’s head where she liked it best while she rode his mouth.She’d never been a timid lover, but now she was even more uninhibited and honest about her desires.

“Take turns,” she croaked between moans, staring into Jordan’s eyes.“Want you both.”

Kason lifted his face.His chin glistened with Wren’s arousal.

So Jordan leaned in and licked him clean, pausing only to kiss him again briefly before burying his own face between Wren’s thighs.He did his best to please her, not because it was some sort of sordid competition but because he wanted to make this the best night of her life.

Just in case it was the last one they had like this for a while…or ever.

Jordan flicked his tongue over Wren’s clit, drawing her closer to the edge of orgasm.And when he felt her hovering there, he tapped Kason.They kissed again, making Wren curse and thrust her hips in their general direction.“That’s so fucking hot.”

“She’s going to come soon,” Jordan told Kason.“I want you to take her there.Wait until you see how beautiful she is then.”

“Hurry,” Wren commanded, though Jordan knew it was also a plea.

“Fuck yes.”Kason took up where Jordan had left off, this time sucking on Wren’s clit.The man might not be experienced with other men, but he sure as shit knew his way around a woman’s body.When he slipped his middle finger into Wren’s tight pussy, she screamed, then exploded.

Kason never once let up.He drew out her pleasure for what felt like minutes.

And when she collapsed, he crawled up beside her and took her into his arms.They exchanged a sweet, lingering kiss that made sure Jordan lost the last of his self-control.He stood on the bed, wobbling some as he practically ripped his jeans off.Kason wriggled on the bed until his were gone too.

Then Jordan sank back down, sitting on his heels between Wren’s legs.His cock was standing straight out, ready to fuck.More than ready.The past month had tested his limits, and he was there.

He looked between Wren—who nodded—and Kason, who said, “Go ahead.Show me what it’s like between you two.”