Page 59 of Slow Ride


Wren whistled as she passed through the elaborate wrought iron and stone gate then proceeded to drive up the long, manicured blacktop driveway that sliced through the forest.Kason’s “cabin” didn’t have much in common with the place Johnny and Jordan had shared on the opposite shore of Lake Logan.

From the passenger side of her Jeep, which the Hot Rods kept begging her to trick out, Jordan agreed, “Damn.If he owns everything from there to the top of the mountain, this place is worth millions.”

“I’m starting to feel like maybe we don’t belong.”Wren tapped her fingers on the steering wheel.It’d been a while since she was around people with money and the memories spurred her anxiety.Thing was Kason had never made her feel like she wasn’t enough.

Sort of the opposite, really.

Did he have no idea of his self-worth, and not only because of how many digits were in his bank account?“Jordan, I think we have a lot of work to do.”

“Yeah.He’s nearly as hardheaded as I used to be and not thinking straight.”

“Maybe tonight, if we have time to ourselves without interruptions, we can get through to him.”She glanced at her partner as she rounded another bend in the never-ending driveway.

“I’m hoping that’s the case.”Jordan reached over and squeezed her knee.“Are you planning to talk your way around his walls or fuck right through them?I’m okay with either tactic, you know.”

“I feel like we might need to do something a little more drastic than chat.We’ve been doing that for nearly a month already.And…if I’m being honest…it’s what I need, too.We’ve waited long enough, Jordan.If it’s not for him, of course that’s fine.But either way, I want to be with you tonight.”

Jordan cleared his throat and shifted in the seat, not-so-subtly rearranging his package.“Same.I’m dying to make love to you, Wren.If he wants in on that, I’ll be thrilled.If he wants to see what it’s like between us, I’d take that as a consolation prize and put on the performance of a lifetime.If we go home alone, at least we’ve got each other.Right?”

“Yes.You’ll always have me.”She took one hand off the wheel to lace her fingers with his.“I’m so glad you’re doing this with me tonight.Otherwise, I probably already would have lost my nerve.”

“Nah, not you.”Jordan rubbed his thumb in an arc on the inside of her knee that did nothing to make her less riled up.“You’re the bravest person I know.”

“I’m scared of getting my heart broken.It nearly killed me last time.”She stared straight out the windshield as she admitted it.

“I’m sorry,” he said for the millionth time.“But I swear to you, you’ll never have to go through that alone again.”

She might have continued their heart-to-heart, except they finally reached the summit of the mountain and the blacktop gave way to something more elaborate and yet rustic-looking.Hewn stones were laid in a herringbone pattern for the final stretch of driveway and a wide-open lot that would allow dozens of vehicles to park beside the most gorgeous wood-and-stone structure she’d ever seen.

It was big enough that it could have been some sort of exclusive lodge.And anything that wasn’t natural material was glass.Enormous windows spanned entire walls, allowing the gorgeous surroundings to become part of the home’s décor.

The jewel tones of the fall foliage made the trees surrounding the mountainside mansion a living painting.She was sure from the angle of the building and the slope of the mountain that from the rear, there was an incredible panoramic view of Lake Logan.

She couldn’t wait to see it.

Almost as much as she was anticipating seeing Kason.

“What the hell does he want with us?”she whispered, her mouth suddenly dry.

“You’re more precious than a thousand mansions to me, Wren.”Jordan lifted her hand now that she’d parked, and kissed her knuckles before getting out and rounding the vehicle to open her door.“He’s the same guy we’ve gotten to know.He doesn’t want people who treat him differently.He wants us, I’m sure of it.Let’s go prove it to him if he’s not as positive yet.”

Wren grinned at that.“I like that plan.”

“Good.”Jordan leaned in as if he couldn’t help but kiss her then, both to steady their nerves and to hold him over for the main course.

“Well, hello there,” Kason called from the massive wrap around porch.

They both jumped.

“Don’t stop on my account.”Kason grinned from where he stood at the railing in jeans and a soft cotton T-shirt, his feet bare.“It’s not like I’ve never seen you two make out before.”

Jordan groaned then kissed Wren again, ten times more passionately.She wasn’t complaining, but she at least wanted to make it inside before they got naked.The chill of the changing seasons hung in the air.

They held hands as they turned and climbed the wide stone stairs toward Kason, who opened his arms to them.“Welcome to my humble abode.”

“Humble?I’m going to buy you a dictionary for Christmas,” Jordan grumbled.“You can put it in your library, since I’m sure this place has one.”