“Are you guys sure this is a good idea?”Kason hesitated before climbing into Van’s monstrosity of a truck.
“Of course.”Kyra held out her hand.“Come on.You’ve been talking with the Hot Rods and Hot Rides for a couple weeks.It’ll be good to hang out with them for a bit.Plus your motorcycle is ready.Aren’t you excited to see it?”
“Hell yes.”A flicker of his old self seemed to bubble up, but if he was being honest…and he really wanted to finally be truthful with both his friends and himself...“But you know Wren and Jordan will be there.If everyone is getting together to help Devra with her restaurant remodel today, there’s no way they won’t support her.”
“I’m going to say this now.We’re coming with you today as your friends.Anything and everything we see or hear is off the record,” Van promised.“Do whatever it is that will make things better for you.Not Kason Cox, the brand.But you, personally.”
“You need to talk to Wren and Jordan and work things out between you, even if it’s to apologize for walking away like you did.Ollie told me Wren’s been worried sick.”Kyra cleared her throat.“It’s not healthy for anyone to leave things unresolved.”
Kason caught the incredulous stare Van winged at her when she said that.He should lock them in the truck and make them fucking hash things out while they were at it.They were making some sort of sense though.He couldn’t keep going like this for long.Gavyn and Roman had told him pretty much the same thing.If he didn’t face his problems, he’d end up relying on crutches like he had before.
“Okay, fine.”He boosted himself into the truck.Van was driving and Kyra was sitting between them on the wide bench seat.For the entire three-hour drive to Middletown, he wondered what it would be like if he was riding with Jordan and Wren instead.
Despite what Rick had said the night everything blew up, Kason couldn’t shake the feeling that cutting himself off from them had been an even bigger mistake than letting his whole team down.His fingers drummed furiously on the door as they rolled into town.
If he’d had any hopes of finding a quiet moment to apologize to Wren and Jordan, they were shattered when they pulled up to the modest commercial building Trevon and his wife had bought.The place was swarming with people.Unlike the team supporting one of Kason shows, they were there because they loved Devra, Quinn, and Trevon, not because the trio was paying them.Must be nice.
“Whoa.”Kyra took in the bustle and said, “How do they have so many friends?I only know like ten people.Mostly you guys, and you’re kind of assholes.”
“I guess we gave up more than we realized for our lifestyle.How about for today we pretend to be normal, huh?”Kason took a deep breath then slid out of the truck.It wasn’t going to get any easier the longer he sat there.
Fortunately, the first familiar face he spotted was Gavyn’s.The man came over to them with a huge smile.He shook Kason’s hand and used the connection to drag him in for a manly half-hug, half-back slap.“I’m glad you made it.How are you doing?”
“Still here,” he said simply.
Gavyn nodded.“It will get better over time.I promise.I last saw Wren and Jordan inside.She’s welding some stainless steel shit in the kitchen and he’s painting the dining area, if you want to prepare yourself before you see them.”
Kason took a deep breath and tried to stand taller.
“Good.Now, come on over here.I want to introduce you to our friends from out of town.They’re part of a construction crew called Powertools, and they’re helping out with the renovations.”
“More like doing all the work while you mechanics are sitting around gossiping,” said one guy, who was installing a motorized awning, though his grin made it clear he wasn’t especially serious.
“That’s Mike.He’s their foreman, and this is Joe.”Gavyn pointed to the man holding the other end of the heavy contraption.“Dave is the big guy sitting down making the floor tile cuts.He’s got a bum leg.And those three over there are James, Devon, and Neil.They’re a threesome too.”
“Damn, it’s like there’s something in the water around here,” Van said from over Kason’s shoulder.
Kason tried not to be jealous of the bonds he could practically see tying everyone together.Everyone but him.He was an island.“You guys, I’m not sure this is so smart.Maybe I should go…”
Except right then Quinn stepped outside and saw them.“Kason!Van!Kyra!Hey!”
It settled him to see another familiar face, and realize that maybe he might not be as alone as he’d suspected, so they went over to meet the Hot Rides manager.
He waved them around back to where a canvas tarp covered what had to be Kason’s dramatically improved purple-and-orange bike.They’d agreed to bring it over to Devra’s future restaurant once Kason had confirmed he was on his way.
“Count me down,” Quinn said, gathering the fabric in his fists and grinning.“I hope you love it.Otherwise, I think Ollie might try to buy it off you.He’s been eyeing it lately.”
Kyra started by shouting, “Three!”
Van joined in for, “Two!”
And together all three of them yelled, “One!”
Then Quinn whipped the tarp off and Kason’s breath caught in his chest.The Ducati gleamed in the sunshine, and he forgot his worries.“Holy shit.It’s gorgeous.”
He rushed to the motorcycle and swung his leg over it.He’d never needed to go for a ride and blow off steam more than he did right then.Kyra whipped out her phone and started snapping pictures of him on the crown jewel of his collection.Kason ran his finger down the seam between the chassis and the fuel tank, fingering the weld there.