Oh yeah, he hadn’t even told them the juicy part about how he wanted both JordanandWren, at the same time even.
How could they ever accept his sordid desires?Like Rick had said, being bisexual would be enough to sink him.Poly too?Forget about it.Jordan and Wren might have the freedom to love whoever they wanted, but he—fettered by golden handcuffs—didn’t have that luxury.
He stared at his hands and said again, “Go.”
“I’ll be back as quickly as I can be.Do you want me to send in anyone else to keep you company and…safe…until I get back?”
“Thank you, but I’ll be okay.”He had to be or the same fate awaited his team.He wasn’t going to let them down.“I swear.”
“Okay.See you soon then.We’ve got your back, Kason.”She kissed his cheek and smoothed his ruffled hair.
“I don’t deserve you guys.”
“Nope, but we love you anyway,” she said with a sad smile as she jogged down the stairs and out of the bus.He didn’t hold it against her when she locked the door with the external keypad on the front that he’d never bothered to learn the code to so that he couldn’t get out and do more harm to himself and the people who relied on him.
He’d earned her skepticism.
Kason was glad he’d smashed his phone because even now, after all that had happened and how close to disaster he’d come because of desires he couldn’t control, he still wanted to call Jordan and Wren.To talk through his crisis or so they could make him forget his problems.Either would be fine with him.
But like Van, Kyra, and Rick had taken the alcohol, drugs, and access to gambling sites out of his reach, now Wren and Jordan were beyond his grasp also.
He hoped at least that they were having a hell of a time together.
Without him.