Page 52 of Slow Ride

Rick was right.Kason was risking the livelihoods of dozens of people who’d only ever fought for his success.He couldn’t repay them this way.

“I’ve made you into a star from nothing.Don’t you dare fuck it up after I’ve invested so much of my own career into yours.If you need to get high again, I’d rather that.At least that’s becoming of a country-rock god.”Rick stood then, swiping the papers off the table and into his briefcase.He snatched it up and stormed out of the bus, slamming the door behind him.

Kason slumped at the table.As if it wasn’t bad enough that his friends had witnessed him losing his mind over Jordan the day before.Now this.

He had to face them, and apologize for letting them—and everyone else—down.

Kason cleared his throat, rage simmering beneath his shame and embarrassment.He pointed first at Van and then at Kyra.“Which one of you blabbed to Rick about yesterday?”

Van stepped in front of Kyra, protecting her as always.Even if it had been her who ratted him out, Van would take the fall and Kyra wouldn’t notice.They were just as fucked up as he was.

She shoved Van aside and met Kason’s gaze.“Neither of us would betray you like that, revealing your private business.We didn’t say a word.”

Kason looked from one to the other, carefully scrutinizing their expressions.He believed her and added being a dick to his list of sins.

But now that it was there, out in the open between them, it seemed they had more to say about it.

“When were you going to tell us?”Van asked quietly.

“I wasn’t.”Kason crossed his arms.He hadn’t planned on acting on his unwise urges, for exactly these reasons.Look at the chaos it was causing.Rick had told him it would, warned him, three years ago when he’d caught Kason about to make out with his old friend, who’d surprised him at a show near their hometown, despite the fact that he’d be taking advantage of the man’s emotions.

Until Jordan, and Wren, he’d never been tempted to make the same mistake again.

“Obviously.”The other guy frowned.“I’ll remember from now on that I’m strictly your employee.”

“Fuck that, Van.You know that’s bullshit.”

“No, I don’t.First it was sneaking around for the gambling and the drinking.The drugs.And now this.”Van shook his head.“I’m not some redneck bigot.As long as your partners treat you well and don’t jeopardize your safety, I don’t care who you sleep with.So why all the secrets?I don’t know how much more I can put up with.What’s next?”

“Nothing.”Kason pivoted, staring straight ahead, where he needed to focus.“I’m going to be a robot.I’ll sing and dance and do what I need to so you guys can ride the gravy train until I’m old and ugly and my voice goes to hell and no one gives a fuck about me anymore and the money runs out.Who’ll be left by my side then?Will you?”

Van stumbled backward, nearly crashing into the couch.He didn’t say anything for a solid ten seconds.Then he said, “Not if you keep treating me like the help.Fuck you.Fuck this.I’m out.”

Kason choked on the pathetic shout that clawed to escape his throat and call Van back.

Everything Rick had promised would happen was coming true.Kason’s dick and his poor choices were already ripping everything he’d worked his whole life for to shreds.And he was nearly willing to give it up to dash into his bedroom and call Jordan and Wren back right then.

He needed to hear their voices.See them smiling.And hope that everything would be okay.

If this was only about him, he just might.

He picked up his phone.Unlocked it.Relocked it.Unlocked it.Relocked it.

Then he threw the fucking thing against the wall and watched it shatter into a billion pieces, like his heart and soul.

Kyra’s shriek jolted him from the pit of darkness about to swallow him.He’d forgotten she was there.She raced to his side and put her hands on his biceps.“Kason, please.Calm down.We’ll figure this out.It’s going to be okay.”

“Were you listening to anything that Rick said?”He didn’t mean to yell at her and hated the flash of fear that nearly made her recoil from him.

“He’s a slimy bastard who’s only looking out for himself.”Kyra leaned in, getting right in his face.“I promise you I have a lot more to say about that.But if you can wait a few minutes, I think I should get Van back here first.We have the whole night to talk about this.”

“There’s nothing more to say.”Kason put his head in his hands, mortified because of how he’d acted and the things he’d done to bring this on in the first place.“Find him.Please.”

Kyra peered at Kason, her eyes glittering, then out the front of the bus, where there was no sign of Van.She bit her lip.Her voice shredded as she said, “I can’t decide who needs me more, you or him.”

Kason looked up at her and told the biggest lie of his life.“I want to be alone.Go.”

Kyra threw her arms around him, hugging him tight.“It’s going to be okay, Kason.I get it, and Van will too once he has time to cool off.Thisis why you tried those other things, to fill the void.You’ll figure this out, with Jordan or someone else.”