Page 47 of Slow Ride


Jordan spent the day after Trevon’s birthday party in the office at Hot Rides, fielding phone calls and scheduling appointments in between staring at Wren while she did her thing.He had nothing better to do than watch her weld and hang out with Gavyn, Quinn, Trevon, Devra, and Ollie when they took breaks from working or studying or going bananas about being a dad soon, whatever they were each up to.Plus, talking to the customers about their motorcycles and showing them his own work-in-progress was pretty sweet, too.

Though he hadn’t so much as glimpsed a fishing pole, it had been the best day of Jordan’s “vacation” so far.

These fuckers were up here every day doing something they loved, working hard but having fun they were building an empire they all shared in.Meanwhile, he’d been barely surviving, taking orders he didn’t agree with, and enduring the drudgery of his job—one that no longer aligned with his values.

It was eye opening.

Hehadto make a change.

Once the Hot Rides called it quits for the evening, they shared dinner in the middle of the lawn at the picnic tables huddled around a stone pit where Jordan had helped Ollie build a roaring fire.It wouldn’t be long before the evenings got too chilly for even that, but it seemed like everyone gathered together was reluctant to give up the tradition they’d started that summer.Jordan was shocked when he glanced at his watch and saw they’d been out there for hours.

He hadn’t laughed or eaten so much in as long as he remembered.He promised himself that he’d pitch in more tomorrow, maybe bring some burgers to grill or ask Devra to help him learn to make a couple side dishes.

He peeked at Wren and found her watching him, a soft smile on her face.Her hand was resting on his knee and she squeezed it reassuringly.

It was only then that Jordan realized he’d been punishing himself.It might as well have been him who’d died that day for all he’d lived in the past five years.No more.

“Ready to go inside?”he asked her.

She winked.“If you are.”

Around the table, people were yawning and the crackling flames had become glowing embers.Ollie offered to tend to them, so Jordan and Wren said goodnight and went into her cabin.He’d stayed the night following the party but hadn’t taken the time to really admire the efficient space.It didn’t have a lot of bells and whistles, but it had everything they needed, including the comfy couch where they’d first rekindled their physical relationship a few weeks ago.It was where they landed now, content to sit and talk or say nothing at all for a while.

After everything that had gone down with Kason the day before, they’d been too exhausted, mentally and physically, to do more than collapse into bed and snuggle until they—very quickly—dropped off to sleep.

Tonight could be different.

Jordan put his arm around Wren.Naturally, she rested her head on his shoulder, in the spot that had always been hers.It was so familiar and comforting that he didn’t move even long after he’d lost feeling in his fingertips.

Despite his joy in her company, he could sense the underlying note of Wren’s sadness.

“You miss him, don’t you?”Jordan took a deep breath and prepared himself for her to say she’d changed her mind.He wouldn’t hold it against her if she did.

“Johnny or Kason?”she asked.

“Both.”He squeezed her tighter, thinking of what she’d been forced to sacrifice because of him.

“Yeah.Johnny always, though it’s more of a dull ache than a stabbing pain these days.And Kason… He’s been calling me every night around this time since the day after the concert.”Wren sighed.“I enjoyed talking with him.He has this way of really listening that a lot of people don’t.”

“I’ll try to be better at it.”Jordan frowned.

“You’ve improved already.Hell, you’re doing a great job right now.”She kissed his cheek.“Time for bed?”

“Your call.I know you have to get up early again tomorrow.”He tucked her hair behind her ear then stood and followed Wren as she ascended the bookcase to the loft.

He’d be lying if he said he didn’t stare at her ass the whole way.

By the time he’d joined her in the surprisingly cozy nest, she’d already stripped off her sleeveless shirt and the soft sweatpants he’d swear she’d had since they were together before.They were well-loved, well-worn, and had a couple holes in interesting places.

Naked, she stunned him with her beauty.Always had.

“You’re so gorgeous,” he murmured appreciatively as he ditched the Hot Rides T-shirt he’d bought from the shop and the jeans he’d worn the day before.He’d have to leave sometime soon, even if temporarily, to bring a few more things over to Wren’s place.

But not tonight.

There was no way he would be separated from her now.