“You sure you want to see that, hon?”Alanso asked gently.
“Hell yes, I do.”She yanked her arm from Alanso’s grip and dodged Van.
Alanso stopped her again.He’d been Kason once.Of course he would understand what they were going through.“Because you’re pissed or because you’re horny?”
Wren stared straight into his eyes so he couldn’t mistake her sincerity when she said, “Both.But I’m mad because they didn’t include me, not because they did it at all.”
“Let her go,” Mustang Sally, who had come up behind them with her husband Eli, ordered her other husband.Alanso instantaneously did as she commanded.“She has a right to be involved.And if that’s not what Jordan or Kason wants, they owe her the courtesy of telling her to her face.”
Wren realized they’d struck a nerve.Sally had an experience not so different than this once, not long before she and her two husbands had figured things out between them.It had nearly torn her, Eli, and Alanso apart.Eli glowered, probably kicking himself or wishing he could keep Jordan and Kason from making the same mistakes he and Alanso had with Sally.
Both Alanso and Van stepped aside.
“Thank you,” she said to her friend before going inside.
When her eyes adjusted, she saw two things simultaneously.Kason was wiping his flushed mouth with the back of his hand and Jordan was attempting to put his still-swollen cock back into his pants.He cursed as he wrestled with the zipper.
“Wren, shit.I’m so sorry.”Kason scrunched his eyes closed.“I didn’t mean for that to happen.”
“No, it was my fault.I made the first move.We were arguing and then we weren’t…” Jordan stepped in front of Kason, protecting him, like he always did for her.
The blend of emotions that swamped her nearly brought her to her knees.“Don’t apologize for who you are and what you like.That’s what you’ve always told me, Jordan.Did you mean it?”
“I did.”
“Well, it applies to you, too.”She looked at Kason then.“I see now why you got off on hearing about me and Jordan and our past.”
“I didn’t understand it myself, entirely, until…” Kason licked his lips.
Wren stepped closer and then closer still.She opened her arms and put one around Jordan, then scooped Kason into her embrace as well.“It’s okay, guys.Really.I’m happy for you.And I can’t act like I don’t understand.I told you, Kason, when I’m near Jordan…it just happens.It’s a powerful, primal reaction.I get it.”
Wren discovered it was possible to be happy for someone else even when you were crying inside.She kissed Kason’s cheek, then squeezed Jordan.“I’ll leave you alone now.Treat each other right, okay?I care so much for you both.”
Before she’d made it half a step away, both Jordan and Kason objected.
“Don’t go,” Kason begged.
“Wait!”Jordan shouted.
“Why?”She held her hands out to the sides, palms facing up.
Kason answered first.“Because I came here to seeyoutoday.What happened doesn’t erase everything we’ve shared the past few weeks.Does it?”
As she asked herself the same thing, Jordan lifted his gaze from the floor.The intensity of his desire, especially considering he’d obviously come a few minutes ago, rocked her backward.“I’m hoping you’ll help me take care of Kason.”
“I’m fine,” Kason said, although he grimaced when he said it.“I just want a chance to talk this through.”
“Are you telling me that he hasn’t come yet?”Wren asked Jordan, ignoring Kason’s objections.
Jordan at least had the decency to seem embarrassed by that fact.“I was getting around to it…”
“Well, you’d better.”She couldn’t say what came over her then except a bone-deep assuredness that this was the right approach to take.No more fucking around.No more secrets.No more long, slow ride toward their destination.No more detours.
This was going to happen and it was going to happen now.
“What?”Jordan and Kason asked simultaneously.
“I said you’d better take care of him.I’m not moving from this spot until I watch you blow him as well as he did you.You’re a man of honor, aren’t you?Do the right thing and give the man what he’s earned.”Wren propped her hands on her hips.