Page 40 of Slow Ride

Jordan wondered if Kason could handle the intricacies of Wren’s life.He’d come into this thing knowing about her past and how it was still something she carried within her, assuming she had really told Kason about what they’d done a few weeks ago.

If Kason wanted her, and it was clear to Jordan that he did by the way the man was staring at her like he wanted to gobble her up more than he wanted to devour a slice of birthday cake, then Kason had to accept all of her.

Including the part that loved Jordan, because after the way she’d reacted to him with compassion and kindness that afternoon in her cottage, Jordan was convinced that although he didn’t deserve those gifts, she did.

Caught between them, Wren looked at Kason, then Jordan.She shook her head and said, “Excuse me a minute.I want to say congratulations.”

Maybe she also needed a breather.Jordan hung back, which meant he was uncomfortably close to Kason.Honestly, that probably would work out fine.He had some things to say to the other man.

“Would you mind stepping inside the garage with me for a minute?”he asked Kason.

The guy turned toward where Van had stuck up a conversation with Alanso.When Jordan focused on them, he realized they were speaking in rapid-fire Spanish in between cracking up about whatever they were discussing.It had taken no time for Kason and his friends to embed themselves in the Hot Rods and Hot Rides family.

Jordan tried not to be disgruntled about that.

“Hey, Van, I’ll be right back,” Kason called then turned toward the garage.

The bodyguard shot Jordan a look that dared him to try anything stupid.No need for that.Jordan just wanted to talk.To make sure Kason understood how special Wren was and that he’d take care of her, including nurturing her unique desires.

“I bet there’s good fishing around here, huh?”Kason asked as he studied the stream glittering in the fall afternoon light.

“Yeah.Even better up at Lake Logan, about ten miles outside of town.”At least they had something safe to talk about.He wasn’t surprised they had more than their infatuation with Wren in common.If he’d met Kason under other circumstances, they might have been friends.

Good friends.

“Wren told me you have a cabin up there.Get out to it much?”Kason wondered as they neared Hot Rides.

“Staying there right now.I’m about halfway through a vacation from work.”Jordan cleared his throat, not really wanting to rehash that.Every day he spent away from the office, he dreaded going back more.And still he hadn’t figured out what else to do.

“I plan to see what’s biting myself next weekend.I’m coming back for a test of the bike Hot Rides are building for me.”Kason grinned.“Picturing Wren working on the damn thing is definitely going to make it my favorite in my collection.”

Jordan snorted.“I don’t have a collection or even a single motorcycle yet, but they’re designing one for me too.Have to say it’s a perk having Wren doing the welding.You know it will be solid.”

“You ever see her work?”Kason asked.“I’m dying to watch her at it.Sparks, electricity, and molten metal.Seems perfect for her.”

They stepped into the building via a side door that led into the stock room.Shelving units lined the walls and made narrow corridors of black metal.Jordan turned and leaned up against one as the door shut with a clang behind them.“It is.She’s tough and capable and likes to toy with dangerous things.”

“Look, it’s obvious that you still love her.”Kason put his hand on Jordan’s shoulder.While Kason’s touch should have made him recoil, he leaned into the contact instead.“I’m not trying to take her away from you or disrespect the history you two share.I’m interested in her, though.Seriously.And I hope you’re okay with me pursuing her given that you chose to let her go.”

“I didn’t choose shit,” Jordan snapped, trying not to be offended.Except he was.“I didn’t ask for my best friend to get killed.It should have been me that day.Only it wasn’t.After that, how could I have acted like everything was fine knowing what I took from her?”

“Sounds to me like you did a hell of a lot more damage when you walked away and left her to grieve on her own.”Kason didn’t say it unkindly, but his words still stung.No, they stabbed Jordan right in the heart.

In pain, he lashed out.“What the hell are you doing giving me shit about leaving the door open for you?Can’t you see how into you Wren is?Are you toying with her or are you stupid?”Jordan snarled.“I don’t want her to get hurt.”

“You’re such a hypocrite.”Kason’s grip turned decidedly less friendly.He rattled Jordan, banging his shoulder against the rack behind him.“You’re the one who crushed an amazing woman because you were struggling with your love for another man.”

“Did Wren tell you that?”Jordan’s hand flashed out and crumpled Kason’s collar in his fist.They were locked together.

“She didn’t have to.It was obvious the night of the concert.I could see it written on your face when I starting singing ‘Secret Love.’Is that why things fell apart once he’d died?Because you knew that if you stayed with her and her alone, you’d never experience loving a man like you so desperately wanted?”

“Don’t talk about things you can’t understand.”

“How do you know I can’t?”Kason asked, his tone so strangled that Jordan immediately realized he hadn’t imagined the way Kason had looked at him in return the night Kason sang “Secret Love” in his direction.

“You saying we have more in common than fishing, motorcycles, and being attracted to Wren?”Jordan’s training kicked in.The undercover agent in him went on high alert.

Kason wasn’t straight.He was bisexual and wrestling with it, too.Fuck.That was irresistible to Jordan.No one should ever feel like the love they had to give was unwanted.