Page 38 of Slow Ride


It had been a terrible idea to come to Trevon’s birthday party.Jordan couldn’t say that was a shock.He had known it was dumb before he did it.Yet he hadn’t been able to stop himself from showing up anyway.

He’d been invited because Quinn and Trevon had become his unlikely friends.

He’d come because they were excited to show him the progress they’d been making on his motorcycle and—of course—because he knew Wren would be there too.

With built-in chaperones surrounding them, maybe he could try to be civil this time and show her that they could move past what they’d been into something they could agree was healthy for the future.

Except once he was there, all he could do was watch her shooting the shit with the Hot Rods and helping Devra serve the food—which was laid out on folding tables covered in brightly colored paper tablecloths, in the field near the stream that ran behind Hot Rides—and pretend like he didn’t see her glancing toward the driveway every five seconds.

Was she thinking of escaping because he was there or was she hoping to see someone else driving down it?

The next time Wren passed nearby, Jordan reached out and took a light hold of her elbow to steer her to a stop.He leaned in to murmur in her ear, “Am I making this weird for you?I can leave if…”

He never finished that thought because right then someone came over the crest of the hill, jogging from the direction of the Hot Rides parking lot, with another dude and a woman trailing a little way behind.

Wren stepped away from Jordan so quickly she might have fallen if she wasn’t so damn athletic and lithe.She stared at the ground for a full three seconds before raising her gaze to the newcomer’s.

Kason Cox.

Of course.

Jordan had been an idiot to assume he had anything to do with her anxiety.Wren had never been anything other than self-assured around Jordan.He didn’t have the ability to impact her like Kason obviously did.

The guy slowed as his gaze flicked from Wren to Jordan then back.By the time he was within a few feet, his stride had become an amble.“Sorry I’m late.Traffic was terrible.”

“That didn’t keep him from pulling all kinds of stunts to get here before the party was over, though,” a big, solid guy grumbled from behind Kason.Jordan remembered seeing the bodyguard the night of the concert, before he’d shown himself out.“If you’re not careful, you’re going to get yourself killed one of these days.”

The curvy blonde with the bodyguard seemed to agree.“Damn, Kason.You almost lost us back there.No wonder Van didn’t want you to take one of your motorcycles.It would serve you right if he made you ride with him on the way home and let me transport your bike instead.”

From the refreshment table closest to them, Ollie’s head turned at that.“You ride?”

“Yeah.”The woman crossed her arms.“Why wouldn’t I?”

“That wasn’t skepticism.That was me wondering if one of these guys would lend me his motorcycle so I could ask you out for a drive later.Or maybe you’ll let me ride on the back of yours sometime?”He came closer, juggling his snacks so he could empty a hand and stick it out to her.“I’m Ollie.”

The woman shot a look at Van that Jordan couldn’t decipher, then beamed as she clasped Ollie’s hand and shook.“Nice to meet you.I’m Kyra.Kason’s drummer.”

“You play the drumsandride motorcycles?I think I’m in love.”Ollie grinned as he popped a cube of cheese into his mouth.

“Ollie falls in love with every woman he meets.”Wren laughed as she took in her friend’s antics.

“Nah, only the super-hot ones like you and Kyra.”Ollie raised his brows at her.

Which was probably when she realized she was standing there between Jordan and Kason, looking guilty as fuck even though nothing inappropriate had been going on.

“Hey Kyra, want to see my hedgehog, Mr.Prickles?”Ollie asked.

She hesitated.“That’s not some pervy euphemism is it?”

Wren laughed and vouched for her garagemate.“No.Ollie’s a good guy, and he really does have the cutest pet ever.”

“Then, hell yes I do.”Kyra held out her arm and Ollie put his through it.They were cracking up about something before they were even halfway up the hill.

Van was staring at them as they retreated.

“I’m fine if you want to go too,” Kason said quietly to his friend.“No one’s going to bug us here.”