Page 30 of Slow Ride

“I’ll be on the lookout in case he decides to plant one of those cowboy boots of his up my ass next time he sees me.”Jordan grimaced.“He already thinks I’m a dickhead, so I’m sure this isn’t going to help.”He started to rise.

“Wait.You know what you said before, about wanting something you can’t have?”Wren asked, halting him with a light touch on his cheek.“If exploring your bisexuality is what you really want, Jordan, then I’m sure there’s a guy out there for you.”

“There isn’t.Not anymore.”He shook his head.Johnny had been the one.

“It’s not a betrayal to love—not fool around with, but truly love—as many people as possible in your lifetime, Jordan.”Wren speared her fingers into his hair and tugged slightly until he met her gaze again.“Johnny wouldn’t have wanted this for you.I’m almost certain that if youhadtold him about what you needed and he couldn’t have given it to you, he would have been the first person out there helping you look for someone who could have.”

That thought shocked Jordan, making all the blood rush to his head.He grew dizzy.

“He shared me with you, because he knew I cared for you both and that I needed more than he alone could give.I know he would have gladly found you someone else, because he wanted us all to be happy.And loved.And whole.”Wren kissed him again, sweetly.“So do what Johnny would have.Find someone or however many someones it takes to give all the love inside you away.”

“You’re the smartest person I’ve ever known, Wren.And the most beautiful.”He rested his forehead on hers and peered into her eyes for a few heartbeats before sitting up.“Kason Cox would be a fool not to come for you full force.”

His gaze flicked away from hers as they both appeared to imagine what that might feel like if he came for Jordan instead.He knew they were on the same wavelength when she said, “You know, I won’t be mad if you want to ask him out yourself.”

Jordan laughed at that.“No, I’m not trying to poach the guy you’re interested in.”

Wren grew quiet.He realized the enchanted interlude they’d shared was officially over.Because reality was still there waiting for them and things were too complicated to navigate easily.

He got to his feet and searched for his keys until he spotted them on the floor near the door where he must have dropped them while they kissed.He took a step closer to them and then another.

“Hey, Jordan,” Wren called drowsily from the couch.Her satisfied stretch did things to his pride that he hadn’t felt in ages.Too bad it was the last time he’d ever experience it with her.She was hoping to move on with someone else and he wasn’t going to ruin her chances because he was selfish.They’d already pushed the limits dangerously today.


“This time, will you pick me up some milk from the store?”She was calling him on his past bullshit while also telling him she felt it too.There was something missing between them, something that was still keeping them apart, and would always.

Without Johnny, they were disconnected.Broken.She’d be better off starting fresh.

Or…maybe he’d have to give Kason Cox a call and see if the guy would be willing to do a little experimenting next time he was in town.

Jordan’s cock stirred in his pants at that thought.He had to go before he made things worse for Wren.So he snatched his keys off the floor and eyed the door as he said, “It might be expired by the time I get back.”

Wren nodded.She was strong enough to handle the truth.He should have at least given her that courtesy the last time he’d left her.

So he did it then.“Goodbye, Wren.”

“I hope you find what you’re looking for.”

“Same.”With that, he walked out again.