It’s obvious they did.I could see it in Jordan’s eyes last night.Don’t try to tell me they were only coworkers.That’s BS.
There was never anything sexual between them, if that’s what you think.Wren wasn’t sure why she felt the need to clarify.Between love and sex, one was far more important than the other, and it wasn’t the physical aspect.
Can you clarify?Texting doesn’t leave a lot of room for correctly interpreting an oh.She hadn’t felt this way in so long she’d almost forgotten what it was like.The anticipation and longing.The need to be accepted for who she really was.
It was official, she gave a shit what Kason thought.
A whole lot of shits, to be exact.
I’m surprised, that’s all.From the way he acted when he talked about the guy, and the fact that the three of you slept together, I would have thought…
How had he figured all that out from just a few seconds with them both?Were they that transparent?Or was Kason especially good at reading people?
Hopefully Jordan wouldn’t mind her being so frank.He owed her one anyway.Jordan wanted more, except he never got the chance to tell Johnny.I used to think Johnny was oblivious.These days, I’m starting to think maybe he only acted like it since it was obvious to me and you and probably anyone else who cared to look.
That sucks.As much as I wanted to deck Jordan last night for interrupting us, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
Damn, and he was empathetic too?Even when it came to someone he had no reason to care for?Wren sighed.While she herself might give Jordan a hard time, she didn’t want anyone else doing it.
I wonder if that’s why…Wren had never voiced this thought out loud.She thought about deleting what she’d written, yet didn’t.Somehow, she felt safe sharing with Kason so she finished typing and sent it before she could change her mind.I wonder if that’s why Johnny threw himself in front of Jordan that day.He literally took a bullet for him.Saved his life.Maybe even though he couldn’t love Jordan back in the same way, he still felt the need to protect Jordan as if he did.Or maybebecausehe did.
Now that she’d put it out there in black and white, Wren felt certain that was the case.
If Jordan ever came to the same conclusion, he’d keep flogging himself—even worse than he did now—for Johnny’s death.
As angry as she’d been at him the night before, she debating texting him next.
Nah.Not yet and maybe not ever.He didn’t want her in his life.He’d made that more than clear.
Kason’s reply was slower to come this time.Then he said,Whatever the case was, it’s pretty obvious to me that the three of you had something I’ve never experienced.Is it too fucked up to say that, even though it ended like it did, I’m jealous?
Nope.Because as bad as it still hurts, I wouldn’t erase it if I could.
How about this… Next time I’m in Middletown, why don’t we try to make some new memories for us both?Happy…horny…ones.
Wren laughed out loud.I like that plan.I’m not sure what your schedule is like, but we’re planning a birthday party for Trevon—one of our mechanics—in a few weeks.It would be awesome if you could come.There will be a lot of motorcycle riding, shit talking, homemade food, and plenty of time to get to know each other better.
She intentionally rehashed his phrase, except instead of a winky face, she used the kissy emoji followed by the eggplant emoji.Take that.
I’m in.That time he didn’t hesitate.Unfortunately those two little words were followed by,Hey, sorry.Van says I have to go do sound check now.Can I call you later?It’ll be late, after the show.
Please do.Since it had worked out so well thus far, she decided to go for it and say what she was thinking.I sort of figured you’d be busy partying with beautiful women.
I’ll enjoy talking to you a hell of a lot more than I would having another meaningless hookup.
Wren read his message at least ten times, wondering if he’d meant to imply that whatever they were doing wasn’t meaningless, but she couldn’t quite bring herself to be needy enough to ask.Damn Jordan for shaking her confidence enough that she even wondered.
Then I’ll be waiting.Sing your heart out.
Even though you won’t be in the front row, I’ll still be singing to you.Gotta go.Later.
Wren could barely eat her next Kason Cake with her smile stretching her mouth so wide.