Page 9 of Slow Ride


“I’m sorry.I’m an idiot,” Kason Cox said with a disarming smile as he raised his hands, palms out so Wren could see his calluses, earned by playing guitar.“I shouldn’t have assumed… I apologize.”

“Thank you.”Wren believed he was sincere, so she let him off easy.After all, Johnny would have wanted her to give his idol a second chance before ripping his man-parts off and stuffing them down his throat.

It had been a while since she’d seen a picture of the country star, but Wren had recognized him immediately, even before he’d come inside the shop’s office.

It was almost like seeing a damn ghost.

Her heartbeat pounded double time and her hands trembled, making her handwriting shaky as she took notes for Quinn and the rest of the team.Not because Kason was famous, but because his voice was inextricably entwined with so many of her sensual memories that she could never separate the two.

Parts of her body that had been dormant for years stretched and took notice every time Kason Cox opened his wickedly fine mouth.She pasted on her most blasé expression and said, “What’s the best way to get in touch?”

Yet somehow her question seemed suggestive, even to her.

When she glanced up, really allowing herself to take him in for the first time, she realized that Kason was even more handsome in person than on billboards and TV shows.

Damn, no photoshopping necessary for him.

He was tall, with chestnut-colored hair.Colorful tattoos hugged his biceps, enhancing each of the cut lines on his sculpted arms.And when he took off his sunglasses and held her gaze, his emerald stare threatened to set her panties on fire.Or would have if she’d been wearing any.

All of the sparkles she’d thought were gone forever when other guys—even ones she liked and respected, like Ollie—couldn’t bring them back for her floated through her veins as if she’d mainlined happy glitter.


It must be because he reminded her so much of Johnny.Especially those captivating eyes… Damn!

That had to be it.

As he leaned in closer, she realized he smelled as good as he looked.Like leather and motorcycle oil and the outdoors.“The shop can contact me via email.”

He rattled off an address and she jotted it on the top of the sheet where she’d taken her notes.

Then he said, “But you can call or text me if you like.My number is—”

Wren couldn’t believe he’d slipped that offer in there.She was so stunned, she didn’t even catch his phone number.And she sure as hell wasn’t going to ask him to repeat it.There was no way she was about to dial him up so they could chat about…what exactly?Where to meet up to fuck?Because surely he couldn’t be interested in more than that.

Maybe it would make things easier.To be with someone just for the sake of sex and verifying her lady parts still worked like they should.It would be a relief to discover she could find some sort of release with a partner, even if it was temporary and only a physical reaction compared to the profound connection she’d had with her two ex-lovers.

Wren hesitated too long, though.

With a sad smile toward her still pen that promised he didn’t hold it against her, Kason asked, “Is that all you need from me then?”

He was probably suggesting she take down his name and a credit card number or some other professional junk like that.Unfortunately, she didn’t exactly know what they required.She wasn’t really an office worker.Besides, no one could be expected to think straight with Kason Cox standing less than two feet in front of them.

Quinn and Gavyn would forgive her if she messed up a couple of details.

Because there were a hell of a lot of other things she could have used from Kason, except she wasn’t going to cross that line.Not with someone she met at work.And especially not with someone who made her body react so strongly for the first time in forever.

It was too dangerous, no matter how much she wished she could.

Wren gripped the pen she was holding so hard it broke with a very audible crack.

Kason grinned, as if daring her to deny he was having some sort of effect.He couldn’t understand the reason behind her attraction and wouldn’t be pleased if he knew she was thinking of someone else.That had to be why he had this significant an impact on her.

Thinking of Johnny gave her an idea.Before she could talk herself out of it, she said, “Actually.If you don’t mind…”

“I don’t,” he rushed to reassure her with a wink.