Wren looked up and noticed Kason had gone white.“Are you okay?”
Jordan was on his feet in an instant, helping Kason get it together.He licked his lips as he put Kason’s dick back into his jeans and zipped him up carefully.
“I’d better go before someone gets hurt,” Kason said without looking at her or Jordan.“This…this shouldn’t have happened.”
Wren and Jordan exchanged a worried glance, but not before Kason bolted for the door.
When he was a few feet away, he turned and broke her heart all over again.“This was phenomenal.The best of my life.We can’t do it again.There’s too much at stake.”
Wren bent over, clutching her knees as she tried to suck a breath in through the razor blades slicing her chest open when Kason slipped out the door.Jordan looked down at her then to where Kason had disappeared as if trying to decide who to chase.
“Go after him.Make sure he’s okay,” she begged Jordan.
“There’s no use.He’s running, like I was before.”Jordan crouched in front of her, then lifted her chin so he could stare into her eyes.“Those days are over, Wren.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m ready to fight for us.For this.Like I should have done all along.”He kissed her sweetly, sharing the taste of Kason, which still lingered on his lips.“If he isn’t right for us, I’ll find the man who is.Because I’m sure now.We were meant for this.You and me and…somebody else.”
As satisfying as it would have been to leave him there empty-handed as payback, Wren couldn’t bring herself to do it when everything inside her was screaming that he was right.
Thiswas what they’d been missing.
“Will you take me back?”he asked, his voice shredded.
“I never let you go.”Wren collapsed into his arms and let him cradle her as she wept.
Not because she was devastated or miserable, but because she was finally sure again that she could be so very happy.
For the first time in five years, Wren had hope.