He loved his job. He loved working with professional athletes and being part of a game that most people only ever got to watch from the other side of a TV. But it was a sacrifice being away from home, sometimes for weeks—or even months, during preseason training camps—at a time.

Tonight, though, they were all here. Together. And it was going to be epic.

Once Cooper had rejoined Simon and Reed, they didn’t speak. The three of them held their breath, waiting for their girl.

She didn’t disappoint.

Andi came down the hallway as if it were a catwalk, making the guys drool more than the thought of the five-star cuisine they were about to devour. If he wasn’t mistaken, she’d highlighted her hair, adding hints of red, then did something to make it even smoother and shinier than usual. She’d also put a lot of effort into her makeup, emphasizing the features each of them liked best. Cooper ogled her lips, and Reed seemed transfixed by the cleavage she’d showcased in that smoking hot dress. Simon thought her eyes had never seemed to shine as bright as they did right then. Her legs looked much longer than he knew they were, thanks to a wicked set of heels.

Hot damn. Had Reed known she had them squirreled away?

When she caught sight of the three of them, standing together, dressed to the nines while Cooper held a bouquet of her favorite flowers, she nearly tripped. Her jaw dropped and she gaped at them.

“Careful, Andi. If you don’t close your mouth, I’ll be tempted to put something in it.” Reed smirked as he teased her.

“Oh, fuck you.” She laughed and gave him the finger. “You’re ruining my entrance.”

Uh oh.Simon knew she’d pay for that later. Not that Reed would ever lift a hand to harm her, but he sure as hell would be glad for some minor transgression to use as ammunition when he dragged out her sexual satisfaction much later in the evening.

It was going to be a wild night.

They all knew it.

But first, they’d pretend to be sophisticated.