Another point for Reed and Cooper. Andi flew from her chair and rushed around the table to them. Simon stood automatically when she approached, as did the other two guys. Good thing since she launched herself into their arms and let them squeeze them tight. Her feet kicked in the air as she squealed. The guys supported her petite frame easily, keeping her off the floor.

“Seriously?” She pulled back far enough to look at each of them. “We’re finally going to eat there? Oh my God. I hope they still have that raspberry chocolate dessert thingy I was drooling over on the menu. I mean, not that I scoped it out last year or anything.” She kissed Reed and Cooper on their cheeks, then squirmed until they put her down so she could approach Simon directly.

He couldn’t help but grab her around the waist when she went onto her tiptoes to kiss his lips. While he’d always hated not being tall, he admitted now that it had some benefits. Whereas the other guys only scored a peck, he’d gotten a full-on smooch.

Which, of course, only made him crave another taste of Andi.

Who needed dessert when he had her?

“Will you wear the dress we bought you?” he wondered, imagining her svelte form draped in the purple silk. Better yet, he thought about what it would be like to unwrap her after they came home, showing off the expensive lingerie they’d ordered for her online.

He’d have to rein in Reed to keep him from tearing it off her, he’d bet.

“Hell yes. It’s been hanging in the back of my closet, just waiting for the perfect occasion. When are we going?” she asked.

“It’s a four hour drive, so…you have about two hours until we need to leave,” Reed told her.

“Tonight?” Her gorgeous eyes widened, then she sprinted for the master bedroom and her en-suite bathroom, which she’d banned the guys from. It was her domain and they were glad to let her have it.

Although she’d never been a very girly girl, lately she’d accumulated a decent amount of stuff that looked like torture equipment to him and spent a few hours each week watching YouTube videos to figure out how to use it. At first, she’d concentrated on making her appearance more professional for her job, hoping people would take her more seriously if she looked mature. Lately he’d noticed her adding in some seductive flair for their benefit.

The three guys together didn’t have as much shit as she did, which was a little hard to fathom since she was by far the best-looking of them and needed absolutely no help from lotions, potions, makeup, or whatever other gadgets she had stashed in there as far as he was concerned. Even so, he wasn’t complaining. Whatever made her happy and more confident was fine with him. He approved of anything that made her feel as sexy as he already knew she was.

“I’ve got to get ready,” she shouted as she rounded the corner, ducking out of sight.

“Don’t forget the fuck-me heels,” Reed called after her.

“Yes, sir,” she called before she slammed the door and locked herself inside the bathroom. Although they’d only been joking—after all, he was pretty sure she didn’t own anything other than sensible flats or running sneakers—Simon had to adjust his junk.

He would never have imagined it possible, but he was no longer afraid to admit that he got off on watching the kinky games Reed and Andi liked to play together. Having a front row seat to that much intensity and passion turned him on. Big time.

“You think she’ll freak when she sees us in the tuxes we rented?” Cooper asked.

“Guaranteed.” Reed grimaced. “It’s not that I don’t think you two were right about that, but I’m still not exactly looking forward to that portion of the evening.”

“Me either.” Simon wrinkled his nose as he considered giving up the soft sweatpants he was used to wearing, even in his position as a physical trainer for the Sabertooths, their city’s football team.

“It won’t hurt you two to look civilized for a single evening.” Cooper stopped just short of rolling his eyes. Of course he did. After all, he loved dressing up. Had even signed himself up for a lifetime of daily suit-wearing by pursuing his law degree.

Simon couldn’t imagine that being his goal in life. Then again, he wasn’t Cooper and that was okay. Andi loved them all. At least he was pretty sure she felt as deeply about them as they did about her. Maybe tonight they would find out for sure.

* * *

Reed began pacingthe kitchen about an hour and a half after that. By two hours and ten minutes later, Simon was going to throat punch the guy if he didn’t simmer down. “Relax. We have plenty of time.”

“I don’t want anything to ruin this.” He turned to Simon and Cooper looking ruffled, completely out of character for him. Cooper stepped up and fixed Reed’s bowtie, then straightened the lines of his formal jacket. If Reed couldn’t hold it together, they’d do it for him, because that’s what Andi deserved.

Simon should have realized it would be more than only himself on edge when they returned to their old stomping grounds. The night was more important than he’d imagined. Each of them needed to prove that they could do this. That they had survived and emerged victorious against all odds.

While Simon kept Reed from wearing out his shiny shoes, Cooper went and knocked on Andi’s door. “Baby, are you almost finished? We need to leave soon and you’re gorgeous exactly how you are. You don’t need…”

“Go away, Cooper.” Andi’s voice was muffled.

“But Reed—”

“He can wait two seconds,” she said, more firmly this time. “I want you guys to see me at the same time. Go back to the living room. I’ll be right out, promise.”

Simon straightened, his cock half-stiff imagining what she might look like. In reality, he knew he’d only be staring at her eyes, and maybe her smile, his two favorite features of hers. Though it seemed ridiculous, he had this reaction pretty much any time they were reunited.