“Oh, really?” she couldn’t help teasing them. “Are you planning to start a fire? I mean, I know Cooper was a proper Eagle Scout and all, but that might be a little much in a place like this.”

“Well, there is an actual fireplace next to the Jacuzzi in the corner over there.” Reed gestured with his chin. She would have thought he was shitting her except, now that he mentioned it, the sleek marble façade in that section of the room made more sense.

“Would you like to try that out?” Simon asked.

“Later.” They already had her in danger of combusting if they didn’t act on the tension mounting between them again. Damn.

The guys had the last laugh when the three of them began removing their bowties then unbuttoning their shirts. Holy shit. She leaned back against the window, glad for the low cut of her skimpy dress, which allowed the cool air rolling off the glass to help combat the blast of steaming sexiness that damn near scorched her front.

“What’s the matter, Andi?” Reed asked. “Not joking anymore?”

“Nope.” She was very serious all of a sudden. Because although they’d taken the edge off her desire, that didn’t mean it was permanently dulled. Already she shifted, pressing her thighs together as she imagined how they were likely to spend the rest of the evening.

“You ready to get undressed?” Reed wondered. It was a rhetorical question, really.

Andi nodded anyway.

The guys stalked closer, surrounding her in a way that could have frightened her yet only made her feel secure instead.

Simon dropped to his knees to remove her shoes while Cooper walked her dress up her body then over her head. In the meantime, Reed held her hands, steadying her, as their roommates stripped her down to her lingerie in seconds flat.

They left her standing there in deep plum lace as they paused to admire her.

“Damn, girl.” Simon reached out and drew his finger along the boning of the teddy that highlighted the best aspects of her figure and camouflaged the parts she didn’t love as much. “I didn’t think you could look more beautiful than you did in that dress.”

“Get it off her,” Reed practically snarled at Cooper.

“You don’t like it?” She tried not to let Reed’s dismissiveness hurt her feelings. Andi supposed she couldn’t please all three of them all of the time.

Cooper laughed. “No, he likes it too much.”

Even Simon rolled his eyes at her. “More like he’s going to shred it trying to get to you since it turns him on so much. And he wants to see you in it again. Often.”

Was that true? Andi looked up at Reed as Cooper began undoing the series of hooks that ran down the center.

Reed’s jaw was clenched and his nostrils flared. Oh. Yup. He was a fan after all.

Andi smiled, slowly and surely. Her confidence rushed back. “In that case…why don’t you show me how much?”

Cooper finished peeling the garment from her. Simon had done the same for her stockings, unhooking them and rolling them down her legs not a moment too soon.

Reed rushed her, grabbing her around the waist and tossing her over his shoulder as he marched to the bed. He dropped her on the elaborate four-poster that was even more massive than the one that took up an entire wall of her bedroom in their apartment.

What did two people do when they slept in a monster like this? Huddle in the middle or sleep with a mile of blankets between them?

Fortunately, she didn’t have to find out.

In the few moments it took her to speculate about the bed, the guys stripped off their tux pants, socks, and underwear. The moment they were naked, she needed to touch them.

Andi held her arms up and open, and Simon flew into them. He rubbed his nose against hers and flashed one of his gorgeous smiles before kissing her stupid. She ran her hands over the muscles in his back and lower, to his ass. Reed took up a spot on the opposite side of her and snuck his hand between their torsos to fondle her breasts. He loved to play with them. Fortunately, he was also skilled at it.

Fun for him enhanced her pleasure. Everyone was happy.

As she found out again when Cooper joined them, separating her feet to make room for his body between her thighs. He crawled upward, licking and nipping a path from her knee straight to her pussy.

Andi would have called out his name, but Simon swallowed her cry. He devoured her moans and fed off her delight.