Andi turned away, resting her forehead against the floor-to-ceiling window she’d hardly noticed on the way in. It was cool and refreshing against her flushed skin. Now that she could think straight again, she glanced around the enormous suite in the reflection, taking in the opulent fabrics and the expanse of glass that allowed them to look out over an entire city’s worth of lights, twinkling just for them. Or at least it seemed like it.

“This view is fantastic.” She put her palms on the window-wall and surveyed the skyline. She’d never seen the city quite this way before. Everything looked different now that she was on top of the world. And it had everything to do with the three men behind her.

She looked over her shoulder at them and smiled. The night had only begun. It held so much potential, she didn’t know where to go from here. Every direction seemed promising.

“Yes. Yes, it is,” Cooper said as he stared directly at her.

“This way isn’t so bad either.” She turned and faced the guys, who stood in a line before her. Damn, the three of them in somewhat-disheveled tuxedos nearly stopped her heart. Sure, she loved the way they looked when they were hanging around the house in well-worn jeans or sweats and holey T-shirts from their alma mater, but this…

Andi fanned her face. “Is it hot in here?”

“Not as hot as it’s about to be.” Simon winked at her.