“It’ll help you relax. That’s all, honey. Don’t worry. This is what you want, remember?” Then why was his hand over her mouth, threatening to suffocate her even as it prevented her from shouting out. “You’ll thank me tomorrow.”
No, she would fucking not!
Andi fought. He’d crossed every single one of her lines. The entire point of this night was supposed to be about claiming independence. Taking control of her sexuality on her terms. Not on someone else’s or at the whims of some chemical reaction.
“Shhh…” he warned as he ducked into a private room and bolted the door. Without breaking a sweat, he subdued her revolt. Thrashing brought bile to her throat, weakening her further.
Slumping in his hold, Andi realized too late that there was nothing she could do to stop what was about to turn her night of discovery into one that would haunt her for the rest of her life.
Peter dropped her onto a relatively soft surface, maybe a bed. She couldn’t focus enough to tell.
A tear tracked down her face as he ripped her panties.
“Don’t cry. I’m still going to make it good for you. I swear.” His promises didn’t reassure her in the least. Because this couldn’t possibly be further from the dreams she’d had of what tonight would be like. “Give it a minute. You’ll be into it again. Calm down.”
When another tear fell, he shook her, hard. The jostling rattled her teeth and caused her to bite her tongue. The iron tang of blood filled her mouth.
“Stop being dramatic. You’re going to like this. Let me show you.”
Did he really believe that bullshit?
Andi wished she had enough control to hammer him in the balls. Despite repeated attempts, her limbs did nothing more than flop around as he manhandled her. Gathering the last of her willpower, she focused on making her throat work. A scream escaped. Or at least she hoped she hadn’t simply imagined the desperate sound. “Help!”
Then only flashes passed before her eyes as she struggled to keep them open and failed.
Peter’s face contorted in rage. His fist zooming toward her.
A crash in the distance.
Wishful thinking made her imagine she heard her roommates answer her silent prayers. The idea of them nearby brought her a shred of comfort right before she blacked out.