Chapter Nineteen


The beach club isn’t that large, but it’s spectacular. Decorated entirely in white and gold, it’s somehow pristine and decadent. The supple leather couches and seats, the crystal chandeliers sparkling with diamond brilliance overhead, the mirrored bars—all of it should scream excess but somehow merely whispers opulence. The dance floor juts out onto the water, creating the illusion that it’s floating. Boats of various sizes are moored at the edges like a watery parking lot. Our yacht is a little farther out but looms as a grim reminder that it and the end of this idyllic trip are waiting for me.

“Having fun?” Iris asks over the music. She looks beautiful, her dark hair piled atop her head and a slinky dress molded to her curves. Nothing about her says “mother of two,” but I’ve seen her texting and talking on the phone with August’s mom, who has their kids—seen her FaceTiming with them. She’s a devoted mom. A hot one, too.

“The party’s great,” I reply. “That dress is gorgeous, by the way.”

“Yours!” Her eyes sweep over me. “You look so good, but you always do. So confident.”

“Confident or don’t care what nobody thinks. I’m a little of both, I guess.”

“You’re exactly what Naz needs. He’s kind of reserved, and a bold woman like you to shake things up is good for him.”

“He’s good for me, too.”

“Well, I’m glad he tricked you into coming,” Iris says, her lips quirking.

“It wasn’t much of a trick,” I say wryly. “My eyes were pretty wide open.”

I survey the party, packed with people I’ve seen on E! and TMZ and occasionally around town back in LA.

“Kenan has a lot of friends,” I tell Iris with a smile.

“He’s a good guy to have in your corner, so everyone wants him in theirs. He’s pretty discriminating about who he lets in, though, so if they’re here, they’re good people.”

“Where are the guys?” I ask, realizing I haven’t seen any of them for a while.

“Believe it or not, there’s a wall-sized television on the other side of the club. They’re all watching some soccer match. Jared’s client’s playing.” She grabs a drink from a tray as it passes. “But I’m going to retrieve my husband right now.”

“I need to find Naz, too.” I search the floor of gyrating bodies and check the room’s perimeter lined with couches where partygoers are eating, drinking, lounging. No sign of Naz.

“Oh, isn’t that him?” Iris points across the room to a far corner.

My eyes find him easily, his height and shoulders making him a mountain in a roomful of trees. He, like everyone else, wears white, and the open collar shirt paired with tailored white slacks shows stark against his dark skin. His proud head is tilted down to a blonde woman, a server holding a tray and speaking into his ear.

“Yup,” I say, a small smile on my lips. “You go find your man while I go get mine.”

Iris smirks sweetly. “Go easy on her.”

“No, ma’am.”

He sees me first, meeting my eyes over her shoulder and smiling that slow smile that says I woke up this morning with my dick in your mouth.

“Hello,” I say, pulling up beside him and staring pointedly at the beautiful platinum blonde with the dark eyes. “Naz, honey, introduce me to your friend.”

“Of course.” He slips an arm around my waist and drops a kiss on top of my head. “This is Giovanna. She works here. Giovanna, this is my girl, Takira.”

Giovanna’s smile freezes and then shrivels, her panicked eyes flitting between Naz and me.

“Oh, I…” Her Italian accent is thick, and her Italian features are striking. “It’s nice to meet you. I was just saying…I was asking—”

“Apparently there’s a room in the back where couples sometimes…” Naz waggles his brows. “You know.”

“Oh.” I clap my hands under my chin. “I wanna see.”

There’s a dense silence following my words. Giovanna’s expression goes from awkward to interested in half a second flat.