“Movies, you said?” He opens the door leading to the basement, lips pressed against a grin.

Iris, August, Lotus, and Kenan decide to play spades out on the terrace.

“We set them twice last time,” Iris tells me, rubbing her hands together. “It stings their pride that these two girls whoop their asses. Wanna come watch?”

“I think we’ll take a walk,” Naz interrupts, looping an arm around my waist. “There’s olive and lemon trees in the grove. If you want, Kira?”

I glance up, mesmerized by the look in his eyes. It’s not just passion or desire, but adoration. I don’t know how it’s possible for that look to be real in less than two weeks, but I trust it. I feel it, too.

“A walk sounds good,” I say, my breath shallow.

“Okay.” Kenan gives us a knowing look. “Enjoy your walk.” He puts walk in air quotes, making us laugh, but neither of us deny that we could get up to something out there.

We set off for the garden, walking in silence for a few minutes with our fingers entwined, the only sounds splashes and squeals from the pool, shouts and good-natured bickering from the card game on the terrace, and the click of our footsteps on flagstones leading us deeper into a copse of trees. The scent of lemons wafts thick in the air, their yellow skins gleaming on sturdy branches in the moonlight. The water shimmers in the distance, moonbeams shading it midnight instead of the bright sapphire blue of day. Embedded into the cliff, the lights of Positano’s shops and restaurants sparkle like crown jewels overlooking a sea of glass.

“It’s breathtaking.” I stop to absorb one of the most captivating views of our trip. Of my life. “It’s hard to believe it’s real and I’m here.”

“We are definitely here.” Naz takes my hand, leading me deeper into the grove to a wooden bench situated between two olive trees. “Let’s sit.”

When I kick off my sandals, Naz scoots to the end so I can rest my head in his lap and swing my legs over the bench arm.

“This feels very Notting Hill.” I tip my head back to catch the faintest of night breezes. “You know that closing scene?”

“The one where Julia Roberts is pregnant?”

“Not that part. Not for a long time.” I shake my head. “I got too much to do.”

He lifts one of the long braids left loose from my chest, toying with the end. “What do you want? In the future, I mean?”

“To have an A-list clientele. So few of the Black stylists and makeup artists in Hollywood work consistently with A-list clients. My work deserves to be seen on any red carpet and at every premiere.”

“I love your confidence,” he says softly, bending to kiss my temple. “What about your personal life? Obviously you said no kids yet.”

“Not yet, but I do want them. My parents have been married over forty years. They had trouble getting pregnant at first, and Janice came a few years into their marriage.”

I giggle, tipping my head back to catch his eyes. “Mama said once her womb got the hang of it, she couldn’t stop.” I sober. “She lost two between Janice and Cliff, but then she got pregnant with me almost as soon as Cliff was born.”

“And you two have always been close.” He says it as fact, not question.

I nod, a touch of sadness invading the garden, disturbing my peace. Soon I may have to hurt one of the men in my life who mean so much to me.

“Is there a place for me?” Naz asks, the timbre of his voice deepening, caressing. “In your future?”

I sit up and turn to face him, tucking one leg beneath me. “Do you want one?”

He gives me a wry look. “I made a fool of myself to get you on this trip, Kira. What do you think?”

“You didn’t make a fool of yourself. You just acted out of character. I’m glad you did. It’s been the best trip of my life, and I’ve made new friends.”

I cup his jaw, rubbing the shadow of bristles coating the strong line. “I’ve had you, Naz, and I’ve never felt more, never wanted anyone the way I want you.”

“And next week?” He grasps my wrist, trapping my hand against his face. “When we get back to LA, do you honestly expect me to let you go?”

I swallow, glancing down at the aged wood of the bench between us. “No. I just…I have to figure out what we say to Cliff. The best time to tell him.”

“I got an email tonight.”

I frown and shoot him a huh? look.