“Takira’s his sister.”

August releases a low whistle, eyes wide and bright with interest.

“That punch gave me my shot,” I continue, “and he resents me for every good thing that happened for me after. It’s obviously misplaced, but it makes Takira hesitant about giving me a chance. He’s been pretty vocal about his disapproval.”

“She can’t live for her brother.”

“Nah, but he’s coming off a really bad spiral.” I lower my voice even though we’re the only ones in the dimly-lit passageway. “After that SportsCo doc, he overdosed and almost died.”


“Yeah, so she doesn’t want to set him off by getting involved with the guy he apparently hates more than anyone, even if it’s baseless.”

“Hey, there were times I thought being with the girl I wanted was impossible.” August tips his heard toward the door again. “But guess where she is now?”

He grins and fist-bumps me.

“You got her here. That’s half the battle. See what two weeks trapped on a ship together gets you.”

I laugh and try to shake off any apprehension about the coming meeting. August enters the cabin he shares with Iris, and I continue down the hall toward my room. Takira should be here soon, if not already. My stomach knots at the thought of seeing her again, kissing her again. Talking to her. Finally getting to know her beyond one night on a roof and what I could glean from social media posts.

“It’s not that serious,” I mutter to myself. “I’m not like in love. I just…”

The words dry up on my tongue because, no. I’m not in love with Takira after so little time and contact, but watching her enter the room beside mine—braids twisted into a crown, a dress the color of tangerines drawn onto her voluptuous body—my heart climbs up my chest and lodges in my throat.

I may not be in love with this girl, but I’m in something.

And I’m in deep.