I kiss across her cheek and behind her ear, drawing in the clean scent tucked into the cove for me there. “You smell good.”

I trail kisses down her throat, taking the satiny skin between my lips and nipping lightly with my teeth. “You taste good.”

She arches her neck back, offering herself to me.

“I’d like to spend some time with you,” I whisper in her ear. “The date we never got before.”

She stiffens, pulling back and closing her eyes, her lips still swollen from my bites and kisses. “Naz, I can’t.”

“Takira, don’t be ridiculous.”

“I’m not being ridiculous.” Shaking her head, she hops off the table, pushes past me, and grabs her shoes, hooking the heels over one hand. “I’m choosing my brother.”

She walks away swiftly, but it takes no time to catch her. With legs as long as mine, one of my steps equals two of hers. I take her by the elbow at the base of the stairs, turning her to face me.

“That’s not the real choice, Takira. Not me or him. It’s just you and me. He’s a grown man who’s experienced incredible disappointment and made a lot of mistakes. I sympathize with that, but he can’t expect you to pay for them. That’s not fair.”

“It doesn’t make sense, his anger at you,” she says, tugging her elbow free. “His grudge against you isn’t fair, but you’re a trigger for him, and he almost died. Didn’t you hear me?”

“I heard you say he’s been clean for a long time and has a new job.”

“Exactly, and I don’t want jeopardize that because you’re an itch I never got to scratch.”

“Oh, we’re gonna scratch, Kira.”

My words come out soft and certain in a way she may not recognize, but I do. It’s the tone I’ve heard from myself when I want something badly, I’ll do whatever it takes to get it. I willed myself to reach beyond my skill the night I subbed for Cliff. I pushed myself all through college so I would shine hidden among brighter, better talents. It’s what I required of myself to go from a second-round draft pick to an all-star who, against all odds, won a ring in the League when most never do.

At my words, low and determined, she pauses, one bare foot on the step, and considers me over her shoulder. She doesn’t want me? Fine. But she didn’t kiss me like a woman who didn’t want me back.

Whatever she sees in my eyes, it makes worry knit her fine brows together, and she runs, taking the steps quickly to the next floor before I can warn her that I will chase.

I let her go for now. Over the years, I’ve learned when to pursue and when to fall back, biding my time and playing the long game. Twelve years is a very long game. It was one kiss. One conversation. That I could walk away from. I did. But the kiss we just had? The attraction simmering between us…that is worth exploring. This isn’t about then. It’s about now.

I follow more slowly, and as expected, there’s no sign of Takira when I reach the foyer. I glance through the front door someone is holding open and see her standing outside. I watch her for a few moments before an Uber pulls up and she leaves. I’ll figure out my next step later. There’s a pattern in my life. Yes, I’m always ready, prepared when the moment comes, but opportunities have a habit of presenting themselves to me. I’m just the guy who recognizes when they come and knows how to make the most of them. Pundits have often drawn parallels between my career and guys like Tom Brady, who, as a sixth-round draft pick, was the back-up quarterback. When the starter Drew Bledsoe was injured, Brady had to step in. Seven Superbowl rings later, the rest, as they say, is history. Preparation meeting opportunity. Discipline making up for deficits. That’s always been my calling card, too.

I wander outside, grinning when I see my friends lounging by the pool. Lotus is perched on Kenan’s knee. Iris and August are stretched out, entwined on a lounge chair, holding hands.

“You guys are sickeningly sweet,” I say in mock disgust, flopping into an empty chair at the table beside Kenan and Lotus.

“How will you survive all this disgusting sweetness on our bae-cation?” Lotus asks, biting Kenan’s ear and waggling her brows at me.

“Oh, you mean the geriatric cruise.” I chuckle. “Also known as Kenan’s fortieth birthday party?”

“You don’t want a free two-week ride on a yacht in the Mediterranean?” Kenan grumbles, tucking his chin into the curve of Lotus’s neck. “Stay your ass at home.”

“Yeah, Naz,” August says, standing and walking over from the lounge chair. “It’ll be all couples, and we know how awkward that could be for you since you haven’t had a meaningful relationship in, oh…ever.”

“He has a very meaningful relationship,” Kenan deadpans, “with his trainer.”

“Stop teasing him,” Iris chides, joining us at the table. “It’s not his fault he has commitment issues.”

“I do not have commitment issues.” I laugh, leaning the chair back on two legs.

“He just hasn’t found the right person,” Lotus says, narrowing her eyes in that way she has that makes you feel like she’s peeled your skin back and found something interesting. “Though he was all up in Takira’s personal space today.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” I look over the infinity pool, not meeting the curious eyes of my friends. “Tell me more about this cruise we’re going on. Who’s coming?”

“Well, the four of us, obviously. And there’s…” Lotus counts on her fingers silently. “Six couples.”

“And you.” August grins.

“You could always bring a plus one,” Lotus says.

“I don’t have a…” The rest of my denial gets lost in a jumble of thoughts as a brilliant plan emerges. One that formulates as yet another opportunity presents itself.

“So, Lotus,” I say, tossing her a devious grin. “Does she have to know she’s my plus one?”