We hold each other in the wake of a violent storm, one that tossed us to and fro, broke us. He wraps himself around me from behind, and I’m limp and listless in his arms. Pushing the braids away from my neck, he leaves tender kisses there and over the curve of my shoulders.

“Did it hurt?” he rasps. “Are you okay?”

“It did hurt.” I laugh, pressing my ass and back deeper into the granite line of his body. “A little at first, like it always does, but Jesus. It felt… I love it when you fuck me like that.”

“I know.” He reaches around and cups my breast, splays his hand possessively over my belly. I’m always amazed how hands so big can be so gentle.

“That vibrator.” I turn my head to snare his eyes. “You doing that, controlling that is…” My breath stutters with the memory. “You always know.”

“I’m always learning.” He laughs. “Your responses tell me what to do, what feels good.”

I clasp his arm curled around my waist, lifting his hand to kiss his palm. “I love you so much, Naz.” A grin overtakes my face. “Even though you seem to prefer my brother’s company to mine.”

He flips me to my back and settles between my thighs, smiling down at me. “Your brother can still outshoot me, and you know how competitive I am. That shit is driving me crazy.”

“So every night the two of you are down on that court playing for hours.” I rub my foot along the hairs on his calf. “I’ll be glad when he goes back to Texas.”

He laughs, knowing I don’t mean it. “He may be moving here. If he gets that job, your brother could be here in LA.”

“Thank you for that.” I reach up to trace his eyebrow, the fine rise of cheekbone. “For getting him that interview.”

“I just cracked the door open.” Naz shrugs powerful, naked shoulders. “His knowledge of the game and skill are what’s pushing him through.”

“You give me so much.” I look up at him, pouring my adoration and respect and love into my eyes, praying he sees.

“You give me more just by breathing.” He drops his head until our temples kiss. “By being with me. That’s all I need.”

I hold my hand up, studying the radiant cut pink diamond he placed there two months ago.

“You like it?” he asks unnecessarily because I just about fainted when he proposed. It’s the most gorgeous ring I’ve ever seen.

“It could be made of coal and I’d love it because it means I get to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“It could have been coal?” He reaches for my hand and slides the ring halfway up my finger. “Well, lemme get my money back.”

I snatch my hand away and gently smack his shoulder, laughing.

“You ain’t ever getting this ring off my finger. I’ll wear it for the rest of my life. You spoil me, ya know?”

He looks at me, his smile dimming, his gaze brightening, intensifies like bright stars under the quarter moon.

“You deserve it,” he says. “And I’m just getting started.”

* * * *