Page 43 of Holiday Kisses

“Newlywed fever,” Abby joked. “You had it, too.”

“Careful, it’s contagious,” Paige warned her. “You’ll be catching it around Christmas Eve.”

Calliope let them continue with their banter. She’d always been a solitary creature by nature, content with her own company and whoever or whatever chose to visit her garden and property. Especially the butterflies. They were so...uncomplicated. No ulterior motives, no desires other than to survive. And they gave their beauty and serenity over without a second thought.

But in recent months, she’d come to appreciate the camaraderie and support of the women who had turned into her friends. People she could rely on in times of need. People who respected her privacy and space while pulling her into the circle of warmth that affection and kindness could provide.

“Well, if that isn’t a picture I don’t know what is.”

“Jason.” Abby abandoned her overflowing basket and welcomed him with a hug and blush-inducing kiss. “Wasn’t sure when I’d be seeing you today. You’re not avoiding me, are you?”

“Of course not.” Jason turned that charming smile of his on Abby and kissed the tip of her nose. “Nothing I want more than to choose the perfect napkins for our wedding reception.”

“And if she believes that, she’s even further up in the clouds than I imagined,” Paige muttered.

As someone who’d spent many hours observing people, Calliope wondered if Abby had any idea how she glowed in Jason’s presence. Abby had always been a bit of a sprite, with energy to spare and an attitude to match, but when that special connection between two people was made, it changed something inside of them.

It had with Jason, who, for want of a better term, had gone through his own catharsis since his arrival in Butterfly Harbor. Those harsh edges, the lines around his eyes, the weight of the past pushing him down—they were all gone now. He walked lighter these days. Seemed happier despite the added pressure of his business ventures.

Not that there wouldn’t be difficulties or struggles. No relationship would ever be so free, but Calliope held no doubt that this was a match that would survive whatever challenges were thrown their way. The same held true for the other recently married couples in town.

Their union  s, the love they’d found, had strengthened the weakening spine of Butterfly Harbor. The town had been through its own tests in recent years, but with all the bonds of marriage being forged, Calliope felt safe in believing the town—her town—was going to be just fine.

Even while Calliope remained unattached. And alone.

“Anything special for me this week, Calliope?” Jason hugged Abby against his side as he headed her way. “I’m looking to change things up, so if you have an overabundance of anything—”

“The cauliflower is doing particularly well. It should be ready in a few days.” Calliope made a mental note to add a half-dozen extra heads to his Tuesday morning order. “Although I’m just about overrun with parsnips and carrots.”

“Perfect. Load me up. I feel a soup week coming on.”

“With your homemade sourdough bread?” Paige asked in an almost reverent tone.

“Absolutely.” Jason looked offended she’d think otherwise.

“No fair. We have bridesmaid dresses to fit in to. Oh, which reminds me...” Paige snapped her dirty fingers and pointed at Calliope. “We have our final fittings this week. Are you going to be able to get away?”

Still a bit disbelieving she’d been asked to be an attendant at Abby’s wedding, Calliope nodded. “I have it on my calendar.”

“Great. The seamstress is coming to the inn, so if there’s a problem here at the farm, we’ll still be close.” Abby rested her head on Jason’s shoulder. “You just have to make yourself scarce.”

“I’ll do my best,” Jason assured her. “You want me to take any of this with me now, Calliope? Save Paige a trip tomorrow morning?”

“Certainly.” Calliope caught a glint in the chef’s eye. Abby and Paige weren’t the only people up to something this morning. She heard loud squeals coming from inside the house, but before she could get to her feet, Paige waved her hand.