Finn’s phone keepsringing.

And he keeps ignoring it, which annoys the hell out of me.

All of us really.

We got hung up at Winston’s because Myron called right before we were supposed to leave, filling my brother in with all sorts of details. Which leaves me still pacing, my brain coming up with all sorts of ideas as to where Charlotte could be. I don’t know why we’re not already in a car and headed for Bishop’s Landing.

We’re wasting time. We need to get the fuck out of here.


For once in my life, I actually want to be in Bishop’s Landing. I want to be on the streets, searching for her. For him. If I find him, he’s dead.

It’s that simple.

And that complicated too.

“Answer your goddamn phone,” Grant demands after about the fifth call in a row, testy as usual.

At least I know the dude doesn’t have a personal vendetta against me. He’s that rude to everyone in his life, even his brother.

“It’s just some random number I don’t recognize,” Finn says dismissively, not even glancing at his ringing phone.

“You should check,” I say. They both swivel their heads in my direction in time with the last ring filling the air. “Considering the current circumstances, we should take all of our calls, random numbers or not.”

“He has a point,” Grant says, his tone reluctant.

I raise my brows, glancing over at Winston who has just entered the room, his expression grim. The moment he’s about to open his mouth and say something, his phone rings again. Irritated, he glances at the screen. “It’s Myron again. Be right back,” he says, exiting the room.

Finn makes a face at my suggestion and as if on cue, his phone rings in his hand. He answers it immediately. “What.”

I can hear a man’s deep voice speaking and everything inside of me grows tight. Tighter. I start pacing the room, drawing closer and closer to Finn, but I can’t hear exactly what the man is saying.

“What is she wearing?” Finn lifts his gaze to mine and I see it. I know who he’s talking about.


“Yeah. Okay. No, I appreciate you letting us know. I’m glad she’s all right. Thank you for calling. We’re on our way.” Finn ends the call, his gaze sweeping over us. “That was Arthur Patroli. I think he has Charlotte.”

“Who the hell is Arthur Patroli?” I demand. “And why does he have my wife?”

“I don’t know. His explanation was kind of garbled. Said something about owning a deli in downtown Bishop’s Landing and she walked into his restaurant. Said she tried to call my number right before she fainted.”

I’m bolting for the door with no plan. I just know I need to go to her. Now. “Let’s go get her.”

“We’ll follow you in a separate car,” Grant says, heading straight for me. “Better to make a big presence when we arrive.”

“Good call.” Can’t believe I just agreed with Grant Lancaster.

But I can’t ponder on that. My wife has fainted in a deli somewhere in Bishop’s Landing and I’m going to her. She needs me.

Winston chooses that moment to appear, a frown on his face. “Where are you fucks going now?”

“A man just called me and said a beautiful blonde woman wearing black sweats walked into his deli and asked to use his phone before she fainted,” Finn explains.

“Why did he call you?” My brother’s frown deepens.

“My number is the one she dialed. Maybe she has it memorized. I’d guess she doesn’t have her phone on her.” Finn shrugs.